Adding to 'Utilities' Menu
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 411 from 2003/2/25
    From: Berlin

    Few Suggestions from beworld:

    - not possible to move menu / submenu and element Up and Down into the list

    This is already possible, check the "DnD sort? checkmark!

    But, then you have to take care yourself that you don't move a menu with submenus into a submenu f.e.
    Because you only can have menu/submenu/item, a submenu within a submenu isn't allowed by the OS.


    - have a option to "AutoSave on quit"

    This is in the prefs menu, which means that the prefs will be autom. saved on quit.
    But nothing will be save atm, I could add remembering the "DnD Sort" checkmark...

    You mean to save the autosave the menus, right?


    - have a option Save - Save As

    Ok, I could add a "Save" w/o asking for filename, if a filename is already specified.


    - options CLI to lauch with shell - exemple CRABUM -QUIET SYS:test.rexx

    Ok, I'll add filename specifying on startup.
    But what for should the "QUIET" option be?

    If you want to see the icon, just re-download the archive, I just updated it;)

    [ Edited by igracki on 2010/2/26 14:40 ]
  • »26.02.10 - 13:33
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 596 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE

    But what for should the "QUIET" option be?

    Lauch your application in silent mode on shell....

    Thank for your response.

    IMac G5 2.1,PowerBook G4 1.5,MacMini 1.5, PowerMac G5 2.7 died !!!
    My MOS ports
  • »26.02.10 - 16:19
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 411 from 2003/2/25
    From: Berlin

    a new version is ready for download!

    Here is the history:

    New: Added shell args support, you can now specify a filename, which will be loaded
    at startup
    [suggested by beworld]

    Fix: If you load a file where no entries were found, a warning req appears

    Chg: Renamed Menu/Project/Save Menu/Project/SaveAs

    New: Added Menu/Project/Save to save current project
    [suggested by beworld]

    Fix: Fixed a read from NULL
    [Thx to Marcin Kornas]

    New: The name of the current project is now displayed in the window title

    New: If you changed the current project a "*" is displayed after the name in the window title

    New: The state of the "DnD Sort" checkmark is now remembered

    Chg: The "Shortcut" now can only be one char instead of a string, because only one char is
    supported by the Ambient/OS

    Fix: The "Shortcut" wasn't saved!

    New: New catalog strings:
    MSG_Warning_NoValidEntriesFound, MSG_Menu_Project_Save, MSG_Menu_Project_SaveAs
    also added underscores to MSG_Req_Ask_ButtonsYesNO and MSG_Req_Ask_ButtonsYESNo

    a QUIET option isn't needed, cause CRABUM doesn't outputs anything, or you can use ">NIL:"

    [ Edited by igracki on 2010/2/26 23:03 ]
  • »26.02.10 - 22:01
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 596 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE
    ok thank for this version.

    My but for the QUIET Option is to lauch the new menu with startup-sequence and not with the WBStartup....

    Sorry for my english.... :(
    IMac G5 2.1,PowerBook G4 1.5,MacMini 1.5, PowerMac G5 2.7 died !!!
    My MOS ports
  • »27.02.10 - 09:28
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 411 from 2003/2/25
    From: Berlin

    by beworld on 2010/2/27 10:28:00

    My but for the QUIET Option is to lauch the new menu with startup-sequence and not with the WBStartup....

    Sorry for my english.... :(

    I think I still don't understand you;)

    Do you want to start CRABUM in the user-startup (not startup-sequence)? Why?

    Or do you want to install the created menu from user-startup?
    Then you have to simply add this line to the user-startup:
    rx rexx:menus.rexx
    If you saved the created user menu as "rexx:menus.rexx".

    My english is also not better8-)
  • »27.02.10 - 13:16
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  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    It won't work in user startup, since ambient isn't started at that point. :)
  • »27.02.10 - 13:26
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 596 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE

    I think I still don't understand you;)

    Do you want to start CRABUM in the user-startup (not startup-sequence)? Why?

    Or do you want to install the created menu from user-startup?
    Then you have to simply add this line to the user-startup:
    rx rexx:menus.rexx
    If you saved the created user menu as "rexx:menus.rexx".

    My english is also not better

    ok... with RS it's work... sorry....
    IMac G5 2.1,PowerBook G4 1.5,MacMini 1.5, PowerMac G5 2.7 died !!!
    My MOS ports
  • »27.02.10 - 16:01
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 411 from 2003/2/25
    From: Berlin

    Fab wrote:
    It won't work in user startup, since ambient isn't started at that point. :)

    Upps, ok, you're right;)
    Then WBStartup is the right place.

    Maybe Ambient could automatically load a default menus.rexx if it exists?
    I think SYS:Prefs/Ambient/menus.rexx would be a good place!
  • »27.02.10 - 18:24
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 411 from 2003/2/25
    From: Berlin
    New v1.2
    28-Feb-2010 v1.2
    Chg: If you add a new menu/submenu/menuitem it will be set as the active entry
    New: The initial drawer when you load/save a project is set to SYS:WBStartup
    [suggested by Daff]
    Chg: Removed the MSG_Menu_Prefs_MUI locale string, cause its the same in all languages
    New: If the current project was modified and you select quit, a requester asks you
    if you want to save before quit, quit w/o save or cancel
    Chg: Added a "..." to MSG_Menu_Project_Quit, because if the current project was modified
    a requester appears
    New: Added some more localized strings
    New: The save requester is now in SaveMode
    (But I think today its no difference, previously a SaveMode-Req doesn't supported doubleclick)
    New: You can now drop icons/files on CRABUMs window to load a usermenu!
    New: If you want to load a new project, but the current has been changed, a requester appears
  • »28.02.10 - 00:21
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 411 from 2003/2/25
    From: Berlin
    New v1.3

    3. M?rz 2010 v1.3
    New: Added some new strings

    Chg: Changed the "Save..." button to act as "Save" not as "Save as"

    New: Added a new menuitem "Project/New..." to start a new project
    if you changed the current project but didn't saved, a requester pops up

    1. M?rz 2010
    Chg: To load a project you can drop it on the listview now, previously you could
    drop it everywhere in the window

    New: You can now add an item by dropping a file or directory onto the "Add..." group.
    [suggested by stefkos]

    New: If you drop a directory, the "comType" is automatically set to INTERNAL
    and the "command" is set to open a new lister with the directory!

    New: if you drop a file, but didn't have add a menu before, a menu gets added automatically

    New: a dropped files "comType" is set to INTERNAL and the "command" is set to "loaduri <file>"
    so the file is handled by ambient

    New: added a helpbubble to the listview and the add-group which says what will be done
    with the dropped files
  • »03.03.10 - 22:22
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