RunInUAE. Can it run under MorphOS?
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > None of the libs from there is that one.

    I know. That's what I told you. Either I'm writing gibberish or you don't read properly ;-)

    > Here are MD5s of ALL libraries from all archives there:
    > [...]
    > It boils down to 2 files

    Actually, it's just one. The single outlier is the same file as the others but PowerPacker crunched.

    > none of them match your MD5.

    Yes. As I didn't see any sense in giving you the MD5 of the OS3.1 lib in the Aminet archives, which I thought you could have calculated easily yourself, I gave you the one from my OS3.5/3.9 lib. More so because you told the one from Aminet wouldn't work.

    > they don't work for me.

    They should. There must be something wrong with your approach.
  • »27.01.10 - 17:27
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    What I do is (don't have MorphOS here, will type from memory so ignore typos):

    1. rename mossys:libs/rexxsyslib.library to mossys:libs/rexxsyslib.library.old
    2. copy rexxsyslib.library to sys:libs/rexxsyslib.library
    3. reboot

    EDIT: in step 2, of course, I mean THE NEW library I downloaded

    Once I do that:
    - I immediatelly get "bsdsock error, need version 0"
    - I cannot open OWB ("need version 0 of openurl")
    - if I revert, then this does not happen

    Let's forget all other programs, I created a file called "a" with one line: say "hello" and want to execute it with "rx a". If I don't do anything, I get "please install arexx". If do what you tell me it says "ARexx: Server is not active!". So, I guess I am missing some additional step?

    Also, rexxmast says: "Couldn't open rexxsyslib.library" if I rename and copy.
    rexxmast is 1.15 when it works with the original .library files...

    I will try once again carefully with the MD5 you posted here and download again from the site, maybe I messed up somethin but this was my approach.

    [ Edited by mihailod on 2010/1/27 14:20 ]
  • »27.01.10 - 21:34
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 472 from 2006/2/23
    From: the Planet of ...
    Are you sure that you are browsing packages in "show all files" mode? Aminet search works properly. About extracting ADF archives, it's pretty simple: XADUnFile DIMG disk.adf RAM:disk. Hm, Ok, that was a reply to the last post on 1st page. RexxMast 1.15? You need only rexxsyslib.library from AmigaOS, check also RWED flags, they could be lost when you unpack archive on other system.

    [ Edited by Korni on 2010/1/28 0:04 ] | My Rifle, My Bunny, and Me
  • »27.01.10 - 22:41
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Arg! Could be the flags... I was unpacking on Mac and then transferring via USB stick... I guess the flags need to be the same as the flags on the other library files in mossys:libs? And then just use the protect command to set them the same?
  • »27.01.10 - 23:24
  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark

    Humm.. so what other changes did you make to the base system before this? Those errors certainly don't look like anything you would get on a clean install with just rexxsyslib.library added.

    Mkay... well.. hope that works :)

    [ Edited by Golem on 2010/1/28 0:29 ]
  • »27.01.10 - 23:26
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > rexxmast is 1.15 when it works with the original .library files...

    RexxMast 50.3 is part of MorphOS and located in MOSSYS:C/. And it is already started by default via MOSSYS:S/startup-sequence.
  • »28.01.10 - 01:25
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    I was referring to this:

    System:> rexxmast
    ARexx Version 1.15
    Copyright ? 1987 by William S. Hawes
    All Rights Reserved

    Reimplementation Copyright ? 2002-2006 Sigbj?rn Skj?ret and Harry Sintonen
    REXX server already active!
  • »28.01.10 - 06:02
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    > check also RWED flags, they could be lost
    > when you unpack archive on other system.

    THAT WAS IT! :-D
  • »28.01.10 - 06:31
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...
    Sure, those flags can only live in an Amiga file system, such as FFS or SFS. When files come from any other media (CD, USB sticks, etc) the filesystem hosting them probably will be another (FAT32, etc), and those flags have to be set afterwards.
    MorphOS' very own installation does this, marking many programs as executable (protect +e), because they come from a regular CD, whose filesystem doesn't know about AmigaDOS protection flags.

    Somethig similar comes from non-amiga archives (ZIP, etc), they also fail to keep the flags of the files they contain, naturally.

    [ Edited by jcmarcos on 2010/1/28 12:53 ]
  • »28.01.10 - 11:52
  • HAK
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 224 from 2003/2/24
    From: Austria, Vienna


    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    RexxMast 50.3 is part of MorphOS and located in MOSSYS:C/. And it is already started by default via MOSSYS:S/startup-sequence.

    Are you sure about this?
    Here it isn't started.

    Bye HAK
  • »29.01.10 - 05:02
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    On my MorphOS it is:

    System:> grep -i rexxmast MOSSYS:S/startup-sequence
    RexxMast >NIL:

    so RexxMast is started automatically. Not sure if some installation added this though or it was there by default since the original installation...
  • »29.01.10 - 05:43
  • HAK
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 224 from 2003/2/24
    From: Austria, Vienna

    Sorry, you're correct my bad.

    When will I ever get used to that damend search function (where search <> search next).

    Bye HAK
  • »29.01.10 - 11:53
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Use grep ;-)
  • »29.01.10 - 18:58