Comicsetter ?
/me wonders if there would be a market for something like that today .....
I actually started to look at doing something like it in JAVA last year. :)
It's really a fun program, but generally it's a primitive DTP program that most mordern ones could imitate. However there are a few bits of funcationality that I think most (all) modern DTP programs lack:
-> speech/thought bubbles
-> ability to import a graphic by cutting off irregular shapes from an original and pasting the result in.
-> ability to make multiple panes on a page. Only the items within a pane (or parts) in a pane would be visible.
^^ can PageStream do all of this stuff? I haven't delved in it too much. Would be interesting to see if we can make plugins or soemthing for Pagestream to do this. :P
Apart from that, the only other stuff that ComicSetter provided was a bunch of clipart of people in various positions (along with body parts), props and text bubbles like "wooooosh", "bang".