MorphOS 2.0 Appreciation Thread
  • Moderator
    Posts: 461 from 2003/7/22

    maurensen wrote:
    Hey guruman, don't forget your Peg at home next weekend! :-)

    You can bet on it!

    /me likes MorphOS 2.0 quite a lot and registered in a nanosecond... Really a nice work - even with a couple of bugs still to be ironed out. :-)
    Nice work guys!

    Kind regards,
  • »03.07.08 - 23:17
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 275 from 2003/2/24
    From: Wiltshire, UK
    Hullo all

    Long time no see to most of you!

    I may not have been on the MOS scene (apart from the occasional flit into IRC recently) much for the past year, but I still have my machine. I still love it. And I know the developers of MOS and other programs like Poseidon (Chris Hodges) and MUI and Showgirls work very hard for those software updates they provide!

    I have to say that I truly doubted that MOS 2.0 would ever surface. I'm very very glad to see that I was proved wrong. I havn't been using my Peg 2 because it's sitting over there ----> out of reach of my PC that I use all the time. That will change - it's getting moved next to the PC and a supported shelf is being errected for the (damned heavy) monitor.

    I shall be buying MOS 2.0 even though ?88 (111 Eur) is a fecking lot of money for me atm. It might not be a huge amount of money but when you don't have much it is quite a bit! And yet I'll manage. I havn't even installed MOS2.0 yet! It's downloaded, it's burnt to CD, it's sitting on my desk 12 inches away - but I know I'm buying it.

    Those of you complaining think about why your complaining. You've kept your Pegasos and MorphOS because you Love it, not through need. Lets face it the Amiga scene has always been a struggle, for every one piece of software that comes out on the Amiga five alternative ones appear on Windows and some of them actually do things better, or if not better then quicker, with more updates and possibly better support. There's more options and of course every new thing is written for it! Miggy uses plod on regardless.

    Why do you still have/use your Pegasos machines if you don't intend to support its developers?

    I say a hearty thanks to all those involved in this MAJOR update - and that's exactly what it is. This isn't some minor tweak or bugfix, this is the culmination of two or three (I honestly forget how long its been since 1.* came out) years of hard work where their families and friends have had to put up with them spending long hours at the keyboard. I think that deserves a bit of a pat on the back and some money - and lets not forget that 111/150 Eur is being SPLIT between a number of people. I've no idea how many, but if it's 3 then they each get 37 Eur (?30) - that's barely enough to buy them and their missus a dinner in a restaurant one evening!! Perspective is what's called for here.

    That's my rant overwith. I hope to be speaking to more of you again soon and reconnecting old friendships soon. Once my Peg2 is upgraded to MOS2! :-)

    Sam / Bifford the Youngest.
    Bifford the Youngest

    My Website at:
  • »03.07.08 - 23:36
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    I'm just stuck not being able to get it at the "lower" price because I am in Afghanistan. So for me, it goes to just near $250 by the time I get home. This is me assuming that i cant register it before then.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »04.07.08 - 04:55
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 54 from 2007/2/6

    Acill wrote:
    ...I am in Afghanistan.

    Stay safe over there man!
  • »04.07.08 - 06:22
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2008/7/4
    From: Germany
    My favorite thing in MOS 2.0 is the Feathers screen saver. Awesome!! :-)
  • »04.07.08 - 07:45
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 301 from 2003/2/24
    From: Genesi

    platon42 wrote:

    I think the main problem is that people don't value software equally compared to hardware. Which sucks.

    I think is far, far more to do with fanaticism than value, and also the fact that you cannot "pirate" hardware - I am sure if someone wants to spend a few years reverse engineering the CyberstormPPC board, they could, and get it produced as a cheap buggy knock-off in China, it is not nearly as easy as when they can just install someone else's key to get XYZ feature.

    MorphOS at 150 EUR is.. well, probably about right if you add up the registration fees for MUI, Poseidon, TurboPrint and all the other software in there which we have probably paid for in the past.

    However, most people are fanatical against the OS, and the "company" behind it (I put that in quotes because MorphOS is not a company and neither is Amiga anymore :) and in this situation, they have once paid for these options before. When you get MorphOS 2.0, does it factor in the keys bought for Poseidon 2.0 or 3.0? I know it doesn't and even SHOULDN'T from an economic point of view, but since when did Amiga fans care about solid facts of reality? :D

    If they didn't pay before to register MUI or Poseidon or TurboPrint either, and it is not because they do not love the software, it is because they paid 400 Euro for the hardware and 150 Euro for the OS already, and they have no loyalty whatsoever to a particular USB stack or method of printing. These kinds of functionality additions do not engender ANY loyalty. So the only way to really get any money is to make them pay for the OS and build every feature in.

    Imagine if everyone running Windows had ever had to pay for a USB stack, for printer support, or pay to use MFC apps :)

    The only company I have ever seen make a success out of shipping seperate functionality like this is Apple with their iLife bundle. But even so, you can buy a single-seat MacOS X and iLife '08 for the price of MorphOS alone. It is because these apps add considerable value to the OS - music, photo catalogue/editing and video creation, plus DVD burning supplementing that which is already in the OS.

    It is not like MacOS X does not have a pretty nice thumbnailer in Finder and DVD burning is drag and drop until you need to encode MPEG2, AC3 and multiplex VOB files.. and most people do not need to do those. USB, printing and the basic user interface are really something else.

    [ Edited by Neko on 2008/7/4 10:17 ]
    Matt Sealey, Genesi USA, Inc.
    Developer Relations
    Product Development Analyst
  • »04.07.08 - 11:14
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 381 from 2004/9/7
    I can't tell if 150 euros is cheap or expensive.

    All I can tell is, that a lot of people from us, we have spent A LOT OF MONEY for Amigas in the past and even now. I built an A4000T from scratch and I spent over 1,500 euros for that, so yes 150 euros for me is quite normal.
  • »04.07.08 - 16:01
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 128 from 2007/11/19
    From: Nokia, Funland
    please quit complaining about the price. It is a very just price considering how much development they have done and they will propably be lucky to even sell a 1000 copies. I just hope they can make a deal with some company that would start to use MorphOS in their products so that it would be sold in millions that would sure bring the price down.

    Anyways thnx for the devs on their hard work! I'll installing MOS 2.0 on my PEG II next week.

    BTW it would be nice see some effort towards Java and Flash. Hopefully we will see them on MOS someday, better sooner than later.
  • »04.07.08 - 17:54
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    I bought my Amiga 3000 im 1991/92...It costed to me the whole wage: one month of work...
    So, I dedicated the next month to my new machine: no club, no restaurant, nothing.
    While writing this message I'm looking the AmigaOS 3.9 cd, the last I bought. It was a good purchase.
    So, why not MOS 2.0? Really well done for a "young" product.
    Microsoft spent 7 years to give his users a really instable os. I saw professional re-install XP or pay for it because Vista
    tilted PCs :-)... And Pro edition price was equal Peg motherboard price, if I remember well, + Mos 2.0 price..
    Ok..ok Mos is not VistaPro...fortunately!!!
    For my opinion, it's a good price for an OS. You can touch the changes with your hands and catch them with your eyes.
    The hard work is really visible. Good bases, good continuation ;-)

    [ Edited by Jambalah on 2008/7/4 21:58 ]
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
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  • »04.07.08 - 21:57
  • phx
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 60 from 2005/3/29
    From: Herford, Germany
    150 Euro looks like a lot on the first sight, but on the other hand it is less than two times filling the gasoline tank of my car... :-P

    So... who cares? The developers certainly deserve it.
  • »04.07.08 - 22:32
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