Cant get MOSNet til autostart
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 158 from 2006/9/4
    From: Copenhagen
    I cant get MOSnet to autostart from my user-startup. Here is the lines from my user-startup:

    Assign MOSNet: Work:MOSNet
    Assign LIBS: MOSNet:Libs ADD
    Path MOSNet:C ADD
    Execute WORK:MOSNet/c/startnet

    I have MOSNet in Work:

    I am proberbly doing something wrong. :-(

    Thanks in advance.
  • »30.11.06 - 04:36
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 199 from 2004/8/14
    From: Järvenp&a...

    run >NIL: Mosnet:mosnet

    instead of execute work:mosnetc/startnet
  • »30.11.06 - 05:18
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    startnet in mosnet isnt used anymore, dunno if it should even exist if you use latest mosnet.

    if you have it you might have other old files too and they might fuck up your install,
    i suggest to rename your mosnet dir, and reinstall.

    but i do this :

    run >nil: Mosnet:mosnet
    wait 2
    Assign TCP: Exists > NIL:
    IF Warn
    Mount TCP: from AmiTCP:devs/Inet-Mountlist
    ;run mosnet:c/inetd toomany 100
    run >nil: pri -1 samba:bin/nmbd -D

    put this in a textfile, (i named it Netslut because i think its a better name than that bullshit name mosnet) and set S flag on (script), do
    a nice icon and put in wbstartup :-)
  • »30.11.06 - 13:23