Filetransfer problem between TwinVNC and TightVNC
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 158 from 2006/9/4
    From: Copenhagen
    I have TightVNC 1.38 running on my XP box (I know it is bad) and the latest TwinVNC on MorphOS.

    I get a fine connection to my XP desktop on MorphOS but I can't to get it to transfer files. When I press the transfer file icon a very small box comes up where you can only press ok. Thats it.

    Any ideas?

    In the meentime I will downgrade to TightVNC 1.29 (latest stable) and see if that helps.

    Thanks in advance!
  • »28.11.06 - 21:36
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    File transfer is not supported yet in TwinVNC.
  • »28.11.06 - 22:44
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 158 from 2006/9/4
    From: Copenhagen
    OK. :-) That explains a lot.

    Any MorphOS VNC client that does?
  • »29.11.06 - 05:36
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    None. Use FTP or Samba for file transfer!
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »29.11.06 - 07:54
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 108 from 2005/4/3
    From: Netherlands
    Hi all,

    RDesktop 1.4.1-MorphOS (04/19/06) maybe ? I registered the Remote Desktop Protocol Client.
    As it needs NT4TS/2000/2003/XP, i can not use, because these Operating System
    i do not own. I use Samba for filetransfer with Windows98.

    Grts, Amigaharry
  • »29.11.06 - 16:38
    Profile Visit Website