What can MorphOS legally run on?
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 130 from 2005/10/12
    From: Wellington
    OK I should probably know this but --- I have read several threads recently about Efika and whether MorphOS can and is allowed to run on this new hardware.

    I am a collector of Commodore & Amiga computers (and their derivatives) and have MorphOS 1.4.5 running on a Pegasos II and the PowerUp version running on a Phase 5 PPC equipped A4000. Can someone please tell me what the actual situation is with MorphOS and compatable hardware? Thanks

  • »05.11.06 - 01:29
  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...
    Pegasos and PowerUp are the only hardware MorphOS is available for. While there exists an internal port for Efika as well, there is currently no end-user support planned by the MorphOS-Team.

    Which is understandable as long as there isn't a sufficient number of Efika end-users who might be interested in MorphOS to make it worth to fine-tune MorphOS for this board and provide end-user support
  • »05.11.06 - 06:54
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1107 from 2003/6/11
    From: Białystok...
    there isn't a sufficient number of Efika end-users who might be interested in MorphOS to make it worth to fine-tune MorphOS for this board

    It is true, but there is a feedback loop. If there is MorphOS for Efika, Efika may get more users because of this. In my opinion releasing MorphOS for Efika with PowerUp rules (no user support, "use it at your own risk") first, can increase number of users and make the finetuning worth the effort. Some users may even help with finding and fixing problems.

    I think the problem is located elsewhere. Efika is on sale already and it is sold by Genesi. Releasing MOS for it officially (even not supported version) will create some added value for Efika and I guess MOS Team and Genesi do not have an agreement yet how this added value should turn into real money for MOS Team. It is understandable that MOS Team will not release Efika MOS just for free and only increasing Genesi incomes.
  • »05.11.06 - 07:32
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 221 from 2003/4/20
    >Efika is on sale already and it is sold by Genesi.

    To be shipped in 2-3 weeks.

    >It is understandable that MOS Team will not release Efika MOS just for free and only increasing Genesi incomes.

    Genesi suggested to give MOS team 100 USD from a 199 USD sales price.
  • »06.11.06 - 13:36
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 51 from 2003/9/10
    From: Nottingham
    Why, is there anything MorphOS can illegally run on?
    Alkis Tsapanidis
  • »06.11.06 - 17:09
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    Wow, if Genesi offered to give them $100 out of $199 price on each Efika sold, I can't for the life of me imagine why they wouldn't take it! If Genesi then sold two thousand Efikas (which isn't out of the question at all, IMHO) that would be 200,000 USD.

    I would think that $200,000 would be a pretty significant kick in the pants to the development of a 'hobby' OS. Maybe after that the price of the boards could go down, I mean even if they sold the board for $129 (as an example) and gave MOS team $29, that would still be huge-if they could get these things into Fry's or somewhere. Just think-a PPC based mobo which competes very well against the VIA style low-end x86 mobos around, for a somewhat similar price, and you could just walk into Fry's and buy it! It'd be like having a successful product in the main stream or something! OMG!

    Naah, this is an offshoot of the 'Amiga community' so let's discontinue this product immediately lest it actually make someone some money! ;-)
  • »06.11.06 - 18:33
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 472 from 2006/2/23
    From: the Planet of ...
    They suggested many funny things, like AOS4 on Peg ;)

    [ Edited by Korni on 2006/11/6 21:24 ]
    http://korni.ppa.pl/modkowypaczek/ | My Rifle, My Bunny, and Me
  • »06.11.06 - 20:23
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    Wow, if Genesi offered to give them $100 out of $199 price on each Efika sold, I can't for the life of me imagine why they wouldn't take it! If Genesi then sold two thousand Efikas (which isn't out of the question at all, IMHO) that would be 200,000 USD.

    And imagine if they sold 0 (which is a more realistic estimate than yours)?

    Anyway, it's pointless to even discuss as it was not an actual offer.

    - CISC

    [ Edited by Genesi on 2006/11/6 21:52 ]
  • »06.11.06 - 21:03
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 239 from 2005/1/7
    From: Earth
    The is something realistic in the works. We will continue to work on this with Ralph and Frank. In any case, getting the EFIKA to $199 is a step in the right direction. We have Freescale Total5200 systems that we will be preparing in a bundle with EFIKAs for selected developers. This will be tied to corporate sponsorships which includes financial support through the EFIKA Project pages. We are working on the first proposals now.

    R&B :-)

    [ Edited by Genesi on 2006/11/6 21:59 ]
  • »06.11.06 - 21:58
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...
    I'm glad your moderation skills have improved. I'm also happy to hear that you're still devoted to getting something realistic done, however (and please don't take this the wrong way, this is a positive post after all) that requires that you communicate, and most importantly; work towards a common goal...

    - CISC
  • »06.11.06 - 22:31