Digital Almanac III updated
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    I uploaded updated MorphOS port of Digital Almanac III to Aminet and should appear to downloads soon.

    Main improvements are:

    * Removed BetterString.mcc class
    * Fixed simple refresh bug
    * Fixed memory trashing bug which probably never occured to Stegemann
    * Fixed toolbar toggling (didnt work with MUI4)

    Unlike my previous port this really works now. You need DA3 CD as well, available here.


    [ Edited by itix on 2006/3/5 15:40 ]
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.03.06 - 02:31
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Unfortunatelly here it crashes imediatelly. When using the (leaked?) newer Mui 4 beta, the whole system just hangs, whith the offical Mui 4, DA 3 hangs and eat up 100% CPU. Oh and according to Achim on the A-News Forum, he also fixed some internet database stuff with his 5.8 Release, so perhaps you can merge your port with his 5.8 Release? (He also said that he cleaned up the sources a bit for better porability)
  • »05.03.06 - 13:14
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    Yep noticed Stegemann updated sources. I'm currently merging his changes to my source tree but cant say his 5.8 is easier (signed vs unsigned issues).

    I'm using stoneage MUI4 from the last year here and DA3 works for me ;-) What options you have in ENVARC:DA3/ ?
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.03.06 - 13:32
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    I have "MouseCords 1" "Screenmode Radeon9000: 24Bit 1280 x 1024" and "Toolbar 0" which are pretty the default settings. Also tried to delete all settings before starting, but no luck either. however as I said, with "last years Mui" At least it starts, but takes then 100% CPU.
    Oh out of curiousity (as I can`t see that yet ;) ) Did you also fix the problem that the DA Screen can`t use Intuition Skins? The Mos default look is sooo ugly ;)
  • »05.03.06 - 13:39
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    MorphOS doesnt use Intuition skins in 8bit screens so please choose better screenmode. I will disable 8bit screens from future releases and I'm already using true color rendering in some places.

    I suspect busy loop is related to data rather than MUI. I hope Stegemann's newer sources are giving some light...
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.03.06 - 13:58
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Well, regarding the Screen depth, I *know* that Skins don`t work with 8 bit screens, I selected a 24 bit Screen ;) It seems to be the same behaviour like with Pro Station Audio where a true color screen also works (with some tricks), but skins don`t. At least this is true for the latest 68k Version of DA 3. As I don`t get so far with your MOS compile I asked if this still happens ;)

    I grabbed a crash log, which I can send you if you want (I will post just a sniplet here, because it is rather big and just seems to repeat itself) Hope it helps?

    Oh and btw thank you for porting that, I played around with DA 3 a bit yesterday and I am impressed, therefore it would be realy cool to have this native :)

    Returning packet: FFFFFFFF 0
    fl = 82CC075 ino 2
    Freeing lock.
    Returning packet: FFFFFFFF 0
    8svxdt: [library.c/93] init_resources() passed.
    8svxdt: [library.c/136] init_class() MakeClass $22ee2190.
    8svxdt: [library.c/141] init_class() finished with result $22ee2190.
    8svxdt: [dispatcher.c/548] omNew() returns 575406044, error code 0.
    asl.library muiasl_LibOpen: ***RAMLIB did OpenLibrary!
    fl = 0 ino 20000C44 type: SHARED
    Locking root directory.
    Locking inode 2 parent 2 mode SHARED.
    Ext2 read inode: 2
    Inode read
    Returning packet: 82CC075 0
    Returning packet: FFFFFFFF 0
    fl = 82CC075 ino 2
    Freeing lock.
    Returning packet: FFFFFFFF 0
    8svxdt: [dispatcher.c/568] omDispose() sample is $25123294.
    8svxdt: [library.c/211] LibClose() open counter = 1.
    8svxdt: [dispatcher.c/548] omNew() returns 579810564, error code 0.
     [30;43mASM_Exception: DAR 0x2000 DSISR 0x40000000  [0m
     [30;43mASM_Exception: DAR 0x2000 DSISR 0x40000000  [0m
     [30;43m Exception 3 <Illegal Data Access at 00002000 DSISR 40000000, Load from a not existing Page> [0m
     [30;43m SRR0 0x24f51e74 SRR1 0x0000f030 [0m
     [30;43m LR 0x24f51dc4 CTR 0x00000009 [0m
     [30;43m CR 0x22000842 XER 0x20000000 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[00] 000004c6 24a91df0 24a92730 24afcc28 24ff0000 24ff0000 37333ff0 00001ff0 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[08] 24feaf60 24a7bb10 24febaa0 00001ffc 00000000 00000000 24a7bbfc 24a7bb20 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[16] 24a7bb68 24feb020 24febb60 24a80000 43300000 00200000 25007230 24a91df8 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[24] 24a91e00 37333fe8 000004c7 00001fe8 00002004 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0m
    PPCStackFrame History:
     [30;41mStackFrame[-0].LR-> Address 0x24f5b098 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00013dd0 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-1].LR-> Address 0x24f5f488 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x000181c0 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-2].LR-> Address 0x24f5f1fc -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00017f34 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-3].LR-> Address 0x24f7fd4c -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00038a84 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-4].LR-> Address 0x24f95304 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004e03c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-5].LR-> Address 0x24f95898 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004e5d0 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-6].LR-> Address 0x215ad640 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000f470 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-7].LR-> Address 0x215c46bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x000264ec [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-8].LR-> Address 0x215a2820 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004650 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-9].LR-> Address 0x2161b1ac -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x0007cfdc [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-10].LR-> Address 0x24f86e10 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0003fb48 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-11].LR-> Address 0x215ad640 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000f470 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-12].LR-> Address 0x24fe5e54 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0009eb8c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-13].LR-> Address 0x24fd7664 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0009039c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-14].LR-> Address 0x24fd7a20 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00090758 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-15].LR-> Address 0x24f477a0 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x000004d8 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-16].LR-> Address 0x24f47630 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000368 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-17].LR-> Address 0x24f47564 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000029c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-18].LR-> Address 0x1025c4a8 -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0015c4a8 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-19].LR-> Address 0x102552ec -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x001552ec [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-20].LR-> Address 0x1025513c -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0015513c [0m
    Task 0x24a86738 Name 0x24a8a81c <DA3> Type 13 Pri 0
    SigAlloc 0xffe0ffff SigWait 0x00000100 SigRecvd 0x04000120 SigExcept 0x00000000
    ExceptCode 0x1010067c ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10100984 TrapData 0x00000000
    SPLower 0x24a8681c SPUpper 0x24a8a81c SPReg 0x24a8a7b8
     [30;43m SRR0 0x24f51e74 SRR1 0x0000f030 [0m
     [30;43m LR 0x24f51dc4 CTR 0x00000009 [0m
     [30;43m CR 0x22000842 XER 0x20000000 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[00] 000004c6 24a91df0 24a92730 24afcc28 24ff0000 24ff0000 37333ff0 00001ff0 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[08] 24feaf60 24a7bb10 24febaa0 00001ffc 00000000 00000000 24a7bbfc 24a7bb20 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[16] 24a7bb68 24feb020 24febb60 24a80000 43300000 00200000 25007230 24a91df8 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[24] 24a91e00 37333fe8 000004c7 00001fe8 00002004 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0m
     [30;41mSRR0 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000abac [0m
     [30;41m LR -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000aafc [0m
    PPCStackFrame History:
     [30;41mStackFrame[-0].LR-> Address 0x24f5b098 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00013dd0 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-1].LR-> Address 0x24f5f488 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x000181c0 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-2].LR-> Address 0x24f5f1fc -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00017f34 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-3].LR-> Address 0x24f7fd4c -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00038a84 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-4].LR-> Address 0x24f95304 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004e03c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-5].LR-> Address 0x24f95898 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004e5d0 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-6].LR-> Address 0x215ad640 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000f470 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-7].LR-> Address 0x215c46bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x000264ec [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-8].LR-> Address 0x215a2820 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004650 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-9].LR-> Address 0x2161b1ac -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x0007cfdc [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-10].LR-> Address 0x24f86e10 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0003fb48 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-11].LR-> Address 0x215ad640 -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000f470 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-12].LR-> Address 0x24fe5e54 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0009eb8c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-13].LR-> Address 0x24fd7664 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0009039c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-14].LR-> Address 0x24fd7a20 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00090758 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-15].LR-> Address 0x24f477a0 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x000004d8 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-16].LR-> Address 0x24f47630 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000368 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-17].LR-> Address 0x24f47564 -> DA3 Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000029c [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-18].LR-> Address 0x1025c4a8 -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0015c4a8 [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-19].LR-> Address 0x102552ec -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x001552ec [0m
     [30;41mStackFrame[-20].LR-> Address 0x1025513c -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0015513c [0m
    Full PPC mode: Last 68k context
     [30;41m PC 87654321 SR 0000 [0m
    Dn[0] 00000238 00000000 000004ff 000003ff ffffd7e4 00000000 24a92148 24a920e8
    An[0] 252b2a38 00000000 25348310 24a923b4 10020010 24722a28 20000c44 24a8a818
    Stack: 0x24a8a818
    A7[-32] 253d0716 25404f60 253d060a 24a9229c
    A7[-16] 25404f60 24a9229c 20730254 11328720
    A7[000] 00004000 44413300 00008004 00040880
    A7[016] 00000804 00000030 00006d6e 00000806
    A7[032] 00000028 00006d72 00000804 00000028
    A7[048] 00006dee 00000206 00001200 00006df6
    A7[064] 00000204 00001200 00006ec2 00000206
    A7[080] 000011f0 00006ec6 00000706 00000038
    A7[096] 00006eca 00000204 000011f0 00006ece
    A7[112] 00000704 00000038 00006f6a 00000206
    Last saved PPCThread State:
     [30;41mSRR0 0x1011ebac SRR1 0xf030 LR 0x101101fc R1 0x24a91f90 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[00] 25290000 24a91f90 24a92730 213d4bac 2543d750 24a921e0 00000001 00000000 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[08] 000002d2 2529e75c 000061be 2529e75c 28224849 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[16] 228f3504 25122c4c 223bf17c 00000000 20196c50 0000281c 24a86738 24a920e8 [0m
     [37;44mGPR[24] 24a92148 00000000 00000000 202ff840 202ea2b8 24a91ff8 24a91f98 20000c44 [0m
     [30;41mSRR0 -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0001ebac [0m
     [30;41m LR -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x000101fc [0m
  • »05.03.06 - 14:07
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    Thanks for the log but I unfortunately deleted my original V5.6 debug
    build and cant resolve function names anymore...

    Please try this:

    I made a backup of the debug build so if you get new log I can resolve function names now ;-) Skins work here but I'm starting to suspect it has something to do with the OS version you have... checking this tomorrow, going to play games today :-)
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.03.06 - 16:10
  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...

    Here it is working fine (Aminet version, didn't try your latest version below) - also with the latest MUI4.

    Many thanks for your port!
  • »05.03.06 - 16:15
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Ok, tried your new Version and here is the result:
    First launch, imediate crash, unable to fetch a log.
    Then I noticed that Senex don`t have any Problems. So I tried to start without wb Startup, deleted DA3 Env Settings and I was able to launch DA without Problems.. Strange. But then I quited DA, started again and *boom* a complete crash. Ok, another reboot, tried again without wb Startup, deleted env settings, this time it crashed *but* I was able to fetch a log. You can grab it here

    Regarding my Config, It is a pretty "normal" Setup, MorphOS 1.4.5 with last years Mui 4 Alpha + 3D Update + Poseidon Update + selfcompiled Ambient. So nothing Special actually.
    Regarding the Intuition Skins the short Moment I got it working, I saw it worked now ;) Nice.

    Hope you are able to fix it ;) Oh btw, may I also make a (hopefuly) small feature request? DA3 also has an animation feature however it is only possible to store avis or qt files. Could you perhaps add something that also single frames can be stored as png or jpg files? this way one can animate those frames with wildfire or mencoder into every format ;)
  • »05.03.06 - 16:49
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    Mencoder certainly can read AVI files.
    Pegasos PPC
  • »06.03.06 - 12:16
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    I tracked down problem and it is not related to MUI or MorphOS at all but it is issue with data. I must ask Stegemann for pointers...

    Not sure about animation thing... if it is not too much work I can implement it but it would be better if someone else takes DA3 to active development.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »09.03.06 - 10:13
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Ok, but do you have an Idea why it works for others (like Senex) but crashes for me? (I am a bit clueless when it comes to such things ;) )

    Regarding the Animation thingy, of course I don`t know about the work needed, however I guess, that there has to be single frames anyway to build an animation, so i hope it won`t be to hard to implement.

    Regarding further development, I am aware that you are working on to much stuff anyway ;) But what about making DA 3 a Sourceforge Project? IIRC also someone from the OS 4.0 side is working on a port, and sourceforge could probably join forces.
  • »09.03.06 - 15:44