Text Editors for MorphOS
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/5/23
    I just killed my laptop and had to continue the work on
    my pegg. I realized that i've never been able to find a
    decent text editor. Until now i have settled with morhed
    and cygnus ed, but since i've only used these editors
    for simpler tasks during the last year and a half,
    productivity is poor. Franky, they also lack features
    supported in even the most compact editors for other
    operating systems.

    My questions to all of you are which editors you use?
    Does there exist any good half-decent editor for morphos
    (I wouldn't put morphed in this category)?

    I've grown very found of the editor Scite - a simple
    editor based on the text engine scintilla wich is built
    with gtk1. Due recent advances in gtk related
    development (gtk wrapper and webcore) i would like to
    urge developer to glance at this simple but most powerful
    editor. It would make a nice addition to the growing
    collection of application for MorphOS. Perhaps worth
    starting a bounty?
  • »04.10.05 - 19:17
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 347 from 2003/10/12
    From: 1 AU, EU, DE/HU
    I agree. I'm using CED for programming/editing texts, but that's a lot less than needed nowadays. (I never liked MorphEd, IMO it doesn't work the way a text editor should work.) But i'd prefer a MUI based, syntax-highlighting text editor, written from scratch for MOS. It's not that hard. I eved had plans to do such one for myself, but as usual, lack of time and lazyness prevented me to do so.

    So such a bounty would be most welcomed!
    [.Free Pascal Compiler MorphOS Port.]
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  • »04.10.05 - 20:15
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 744 from 2003/4/6
    From: Germany
    Well, GoldED or even MorphED do their job great. They have everything I need for a text editor.
    Mac mini, PowerPC G4 1.5 GHz, ATI Radeon 9200 64 MB, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD, MorphOS 3.18
    PowerBook, PowerPC G4 1.67 GHz, ATI Radeon 9700 128 MB, 2 GB RAM, 250 GB mSATA HDD, MorphOS 3.18
  • »04.10.05 - 20:47
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    I use BlacksEditor in MorphOS. My favorite for coding.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »04.10.05 - 21:14
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 99 from 2003/2/24
    Didn't somebody port VIM to MorphOS? I'm pretty sure. So why not use VIM? There's no better editor than VIM. I used a lot of editors, and still occasionally try some, but I end up with VIM each and every time.
  • »04.10.05 - 22:01
  • Moderator
    Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
    From: ITALY
    Try also eNote from Aminet..

    PegasosII "Elite" Machine --> PowerMac MDD "popular" Machine --> MacMini 1.5 "still more popular" Machine
  • »05.10.05 - 00:09
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1
    I'm using pEditor (from Aminet).
  • »05.10.05 - 00:22
  • Leo
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 419 from 2003/8/18
    Does BlackEditor support syntax-highlighting ?

    Nothing hurts a project more than developers not taking the time to let their community know what is going on.
  • »05.10.05 - 08:23
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.10.05 - 08:52
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/5/23
    There are a few suggested editors I've never heard
    of. I'll try them out.

    As for VIM, i don't rely know if i should comment on
    that ;) VIM are made by programmers who think
    "the more complex the better". VIM is good if you
    have used VI since the beginning of time. Otherwise
    it's a pain in the ass. I my self have been forced to
    use VI (and sometimes VIM) quite a regularly since i
    work a lot with unix environment witch lack other
  • »05.10.05 - 10:33
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1
    BTW -- I painted a set of toolbar images for pEditor

    If anyone is interested, I'll upload them tonight when I get home.
  • »05.10.05 - 16:36
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 99 from 2003/2/24

    As for VIM, i don't rely know if i should comment on that ;)

    Huh, that was a serious suggestion. After all, you weren't asking for a easy-to-learn editor but a productive one. VIM is the most productive editor I've ever used. I do agree that you can't appreciate it until you have learned a dozen or two keystrokes, but I find them very intuitive.


    VIM are made by programmers who think "the more complex the better".

    You're mixing this up with Emacs ;)


    VIM is good if you have used VI since the beginning of time.

    Certainly not, the first time I used VI I was glad to be back at an editor where the keys I typed actually appeared on the screen. I wouldn't have dreamed that some years later I wouldn't want to type without it.

    But editor preferences are very subjective anyway ...
  • »05.10.05 - 19:07
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4
    @ Klesterjr

    I also use pEditorfor daily simple tasks and like it,only annoying
    thing was this toolbar ;-) ... i.e. please upload your toolbar :-)

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »05.10.05 - 23:14
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2003/2/25
    From: Auckland New Z...
    The problem I have with MorphEd, and most text eds, is that they don't do scroll wrap on sentences, as most are designed for programming- do any of the eds people have mentioned to wrapping?

    - Ants
    - Ants
  • »06.10.05 - 02:19
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  • o1i
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 48 from 2003/2/25
    There is nothing better than vi(m). You can't be faster ;). And it's always nice to see others looking at your fingers, if you are a vi wizard. I even use all my unix shells in vi mode and my irc client, too ;).

    Bad thing is, that there is no vi plugin for outlook and
    I have to use outlook here at work.

    And btw, vim is an amiga application ported to unix/windows, so you shoukd like it ;).
  • »06.10.05 - 08:31
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1

    Zylesea wrote:
    @ Klesterjr

    I also use pEditorfor daily simple tasks and like it,only annoying
    thing was this toolbar ;-) ... i.e. please upload your toolbar :-)

    HERE it is!

  • »06.10.05 - 10:23