MuiCON and ssh connection to Linux machines?
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany

    I need to work a lot remotely on Linux boxes.
    With the old MOS console this was very difficult
    as some keys (up/down) did not work and
    the console could not handle resizing of the window.

    So if I connected remotely and was using vim for example
    resizing the console window would break the vim output totally.

    Will the new MuiCON work better?
    Has someone succesfully used MOS to work remotely
    and can give a small howto for this?

  • »03.01.05 - 17:38
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 169 from 2003/12/31
    MUI-Con works fine using OpenSSH.
    The cursor keys work and even color-highlighting in VIM.
    The page up/down keys also work, but they send the wrong keycode, so I
    have to figure out how to use them (in Pine for example).
    Just try it and if you have questions, feel free to ask :)
  • »03.01.05 - 18:06
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 347 from 2003/10/12
    From: 1 AU, EU, DE/HU
    MUICON is working for me very well, i'm finally able to work remotely with all Linux machines i need.

    If mc says, "TERM" is not set, then set TERM variable on MorphOS with the following commands:

    setenv save TERM ansi
    avail flush

    If you experiencing font problems, use different font, or use mc -a. I also set up a hotkey for easy changing between Amiga and ANSI terminals. The only problem i have that CTRL-C is not working...
    [.Free Pascal Compiler MorphOS Port.]
  • »03.01.05 - 21:05
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    To fix Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z type: "stty isig susp ^Z". I am currently investigating why MorphOS ssh doesn't set correctly terminal settings.
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »05.01.05 - 21:09
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    OK. I finally found what is wrongs. It looks like ixemul sets some weird flags in termio structure and don't preserve their changes. I prepared a workaround for this (it ugly, but it works). You can download special ssh version from
    I only tested ssh and scp and both work fine for me.
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »06.01.05 - 10:55
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    I prepared one more patch. It is workaround for another ixemul bug (window change is not signalled to programs). Now you can "manualy" tell ssh that the window size is changed. Simple type following sequence: [Enter], "~", "w". ("~" is the default escape char in ssh, read manual for more infos). It is available in the same place as previous version.
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »09.01.05 - 19:04
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany
    Hi, I've just tried out your new openssh version.

    The -W1 window refresh hack works great!
    Many thanks for the good work!

    There is just one problem left:
    I use a lot vim on remote linux boxes.
    Unfortunately some important keys are not working over MOS openssh:
    Not working is (page up/down, home, end and delete)

    Any chance to get them working?

  • »23.02.05 - 22:06
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    PageUp/Down and other keys are already implemented in current development version of PowerTerm. Don't expect a release anytime soon though - there's still a loooong way to go. I'm aiming for full xterm 256 color terminal compatibility in the next release.
  • »24.02.05 - 12:10
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    Use KeyMorhper and edit your keymap. Set following key-codes:

    PagaUp: "\27[5~"
    PageDown: "\27[6~"
    Home: "\27[1~"
    End: "\27[4~"
    Insert: "\27[2~"

    These key codes will work if you set you terminal type to "linux".
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »25.02.05 - 08:31
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany
    The change with Keymorpher seems not to work for me.

    I'm doing :

    setkeyboard pc105_bg_linux
    set TERM linux
    newcli WINDOW="MUICON:.."

    The TERM=linux gives me strange colors on Linux
    I've used TERM=ansi before, with "term=linux" the colors
    look different in VIM under linux.

    The HOME and PAGEUP keys make the MUICON scrollbar
    jump up and back again when I release the key.
    The have not the desired effect on the linux program.

    Any ideas?

  • »25.02.05 - 22:19
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    Ohh. I forgot that. You have to edit your MUICON hotkeys and remove all binding to PageUp/PageDown/... keys.
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »26.02.05 - 09:46
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany
    Sorry, but it does not work.

    But Keymorpher (v0.9 and v1.1) behaves strange on my system. When I remove the "ctrl-row" of a key then sometimes the "alone-row" is remoced as well, etc.
    Maybe its because I run the new Ambient version?
    I don't know.

    Any ideas?

  • »26.02.05 - 19:28
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