UAE hardfile help noob
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  • HI all

    newbe here I have got a hardfile ( workbench.hdf ) off my PC and would like to know how to load it on my new G4 mac mini morph OS 3.4

    I am running 3.4 and have installed some kind of update pack that has given me loads of cool stuff like emulators and so on...

    I have a 3.1 rom but can not seem to understand how this works as I am use to winUAE

    please help I would love to play my whdload games of my morph os

  • »17.12.13 - 19:00
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  • Quote:

    Papiosaur wrote:
    Hi adders,

    Information about E-UAE configuration here :

    Thank you will have a look, thanks again
  • »17.12.13 - 19:32
  • Visitor
  • OK from what I understand I do not need a hdf file All I have to do is just copy the files to E-UAE/hardrive/workbench..

    but when I run e-uae it still dose not load to the workbench

    here is the error

    codeE-UAE 0.8.29-WIP4
    Build date: Mar 28 2007 20:39:48
    Opening cfgfile '.uaerc'...failed
    Timebase frequency: 41.620997 MHz
    Rexx port "UAE" installed.
    No disk in drive 0.
    Building CPU table for configuration: 68000 prefetch 24-bit addressing
    1866 CPU functions
    Building CPU function table, 44736 opcodes (0 1 1).
    AppWindow started.
    AMIGFX: Using a 24-bit true-colour display.
    Sound driver found and configured for 16 bits stereo at 11025 Hz, buffer is 4410 bytes (ahi.device)
    reset at 0
    PAL mode, 50Hz (h=227 v=312)
    chipmem cleared
    SERIAL: period=372, baud=9600, hsyncs=16 PC=f8018a
    Illegal instruction: 4e7b at 00f80c38 -> 00f80cc0
    Illegal instruction: 4c41 at 00fbd99a -> 00f80ad2

  • »17.12.13 - 21:02
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  • OK my E-uae is in system/emulation/E-UAE

    I have put the HDF file in E-UAE/hardfiles

    the HDF file is a copy of my DH0 ( Workbench 3.9 )

    I was told that I do not need a harfile just copy the files in to E-UAE/harddisks/Workbench

    which I have done so in my workbench there is S: C: tools system and so on

    I have the 3.1 rom

    so when I click on the E-uae icon that is the error I still get

  • »18.12.13 - 14:04
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2158 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    ok, try this:

    rename sys:Emulation/E-UAE/conf/A1200-hires.conf to sys:Emulation/E-UAE/conf/A1200-hires.conf-origin


    download this file and copy it to

    then type in a shell:

    sys:Emulation/E-UAE/E-UAE -f sys:Emulation/E-UAE/E-UAE/conf/A1200-hires.conf
  • »18.12.13 - 14:29
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  • OK did that but got this error

    New Shell process 2
    Ram Disk:> sys:Emulation/E-UAE/E-UAE -f sys:Emulation/E-UAE/E-UAE/conf/A1200-hires.conf
    E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP4
    Build date: Mar 28 2007 20:39:48
    Opening cfgfile '.uaerc'...failed
    Opening cfgfile 'sys:Emulation/E-UAE/E-UAE/conf/A1200-hires.conf'...failed
    Timebase frequency: 41.620997 MHz
    Rexx port "UAE" installed.
    Failed to load Kickstart image 'kick.rom'
    No disk in drive 0.
    Building CPU table for configuration: 68000 prefetch 24-bit addressing
    1866 CPU functions
    Building CPU function table, 44736 opcodes (0 1 1).
    AppWindow started.
    AMIGFX: Using a 24-bit true-colour display.
    Sound driver found and configured for 16 bits stereo at 11025 Hz, buffer is 4410 bytes
    Ram Disk:>

    The kick.rom is in E-UAE/roms ?

    and have just tryed it in E-UAE

    same error
  • »18.12.13 - 15:25
  • Visitor
  • It is in the drawer ?

    but I have found this out I dont know if it helps ?

    if there is a ADF file and I click on it ( right click ) it gives me the option to load if RUN IT e-UAE

    this takes me to the amiga insert a disk scereen then if I hold down ctrl and alt and the F1 I can select the adf file and it loads up fine full screen
  • »18.12.13 - 15:57
  • Visitor
  • OK I have just tried this out

    in the E-UAE there is a UAE config click on that then I A1200-hires.conf then I get this error

    E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP4
    Build date: Mar 28 2007 20:39:48
    Opening cfgfile '.uaerc'...failed
    Opening cfgfile 'conf/A1200-hires.conf'...okay.
    Error: directory 'sys/Emulation/E-UAE/HardDisks/Workbench' not found
    Timebase frequency: 41.620997 MHz
    Rexx port "UAE" installed.
    No disk in drive 0.
    Resetting frame rate hack
    Building CPU table for configuration: 68020 prefetch
    1866 CPU functions
    Building CPU function table, 45674 opcodes (2 1 0).
    Resetting frame rate hack
    cgxvideo.library >= 43.6 detected, using doublebuffer
    AMIGFX: Using a 16-bit true-colour display.
    Sound driver found and configured for 16 bits stereo at 44100 Hz, buffer is 17640 bytes (ahi.device)
    reset at 0
    PAL mode, 50Hz (h=227 v=312)
    chipmem cleared
    SERIAL: period=372, baud=9600, hsyncs=16 PC=f8018a
    B-Trap f201 at 00f80ca0 (0x262a8d20)
    Fastcard: mapped @$200000: 8MB fast memory
    Card 1 (ZorroII) done.
    Fastmem (32bit): mapped @$10000000: 8 MB Zorro III fast memory
    Card 2 (ZorroIII) done.
    PAL mode, 50Hz (h=227 v=311)
    PAL mode, 50Hz (h=227 v=312)

    If that helps
  • »18.12.13 - 16:52