• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 370 from 2003/3/28

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > the CPU cores are modded ARM cores (IIRC A73s).

    I've never read or heard from a reliable source that cores which are created on the base of an ISA license (like Qualcomm's Kryo is) are modified ARM Ltd. cores. This doesn't sound plausible to me, even when the ISA licensee is a core licensee at the same time (like Qualcomm is).

    Using an ARM core as a basis for a custom design isn't entirely unusual, but companies don't usually make this public.

    I believe Qualcomm usually do their own from scratch but they are being quite public about this one:

    It's also mentioned in a Microprocessor report who are usually a rather more reliable source.
  • »10.01.17 - 19:38
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