Acolyte of the Butterfly
Posts: 102 from 2003/5/19
Nice to see that Gallium info.
I know that Gallium is not the fastest 3D (low level) driver out there, but it seems appealing featurewise (done+WIP+planned):
Some features/supported things for video stuff:
g3dvl: Generic GPU-Accelerated Video Decoding
g3dvl: The old video decoder Younes wrote for GSoC a few years ago.
Some features/supported things for new games and the porting of games:
d3d1x: Direct 3D 10/11 (easier PPC game ports from Xbox360?? & windows.)
*mesa: done for r600 (ATI R600/R700/R800/R900), r300 (ATI R300/R400/R500)
Some features/supported things to boost math on slow CPU machines:

(I know OpenCL itself is a lot of work and then the applications SW, but Gallium enables the start of the work, one day.)
...One day PCIe capable Amigan HW (with Gallium) will be a lot more nicer than today.
"With regards to graphics driver support for AmigaOS4. This is where we are spending most of our effort -- but more news on this later.
Is there any info what MOS team is planning to do to use the latest GPUs? Also Gallium?
Perhaps only after the architecture change as old Macs are pretty well accelerated already????
[ Edited by KimmoK 08.06.2012 - 09:16 ]