Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
In the OS4 world the X1000 is the best machine you can get.
But you can't! The Pegasos1, the Pegasos2, the Efika, the AmigaOne SE, the AmigaOne XE, the AmigaOne micro, the Sam440, the Sam460 they have all been on the market, they have all been stocked up and "in production", meaning any potential customer is *actually able to buy it*, and when numbers in warehouses were running low, new production runs were made to *keep* the product available on the market. See the difference? You can't get the X1000, not "in the OS4 world" either, it's not only in the *real* world they aren't here!
If I was an OS4 user I would have got one.
Well honestly, it's not *me* who is stopping you from becoming one, is it? Isn't the fact that there aren't any AmigaOne X1000's on the market a bigger obstacle than *me* "preventing" you from getting one? And the fact that it is $3,000+ for 2005 level Mac performance doesn't really help either, does it, even if it *would* have been for sale, right? Talk is cheap minator! The A1X1K however, isn't...
@ thread
Some people actually believes what Hyperion says to such a degree that they happily cash in any checks written to them, *long* before there are any cover for it. Most often the checks never gets any cover whatsoever - there has been so many broken promises in the past, so many features announced, but then silently dropped as time goes by. But nobody seems to remember this. It took a decade for them to develop USB2, and it's still not 100% reliable for 100% of the users (judging from posts at AW.net), and now the same people have been selling true SMP for quite some time. And some people buys this, with a happy smile in their face! "KimmoK" for example has made countless of posts over at Amiga.org about how bright the future is for OS4 and PPC since there are coming so many new CPU's having up to 26 cores or whatever. Like OS4 would have had true SMP already! Check cash in! And the Xorro and Xena are other key features of the AmigaOne X1000, something that has been hyped for several years now. We have heard all kinds of amusing speculations from enthusiasts that just got themselves another check from Hyperion of all the fantastic things this could mean for OS4, ranging all the way up to having an OS4 based super computer render station with massive amounts of parallel cores! Check cash in! But guess what it can do on OS4? It can flash LED's!
These are the two main features of the AmigaOne X1000, the two key selling points, and they simply aren't here, and possibly *never will* (especially the true SMP without breaking the Amiga), hence the "Vapor". And I think some of you people should reflect a bit over the fact that even A-eon was using the term "First contact" as a suffix to the product name. This is "Earlybird" written differently. Meaning not even A-eon consider it to be a fully developed system yet (and they are actually being honest about it), and I'm very amused that some people here *still* wants to argue about this fact so vividly. The AmigaOne X1000 is still under heavy development, it has a long way to go to reach its promised goals, the few systems in existence are more like prototypes under development than the real product it is set out to become some day. Those of you saying "it's here" aren't helping, because it's *not* here, and given the enormous challenges of *getting* it here are so grandiose (if not impossible altogether) that the risk of it not getting here is *overwhelming* (especially considering Hyperion's underwhelming track record), so chances are that you are actually *participating* in handing out those Hyperion checks that never will get covered, thus sharing the guilt.
insane ramblings of a sick mind
Professional help is available. See your doctor.
Character assassination has always been the standard method used by OS4 crowd when facing uncomfortable arguments they can't handle. I guess some things never change. The above words are coming from the OS4 development leader, and one of the moderators over at AmigaWorld.net; point out that you can't buy the X1000, that it still has some *very big* development challenges to overcome (some would say impossible) in order to reach its announced specifications, then you have a
sick mind, your words are
insane ramblings, you are in need of
professional help should
see a doctor.
[ Edited by takemehomegrandma 07.06.2012 - 09:56 ]MorphOS is Amiga
done right! 
MorphOS NG will be AROS
done right!