Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12127 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> The man in question isn't apparently aware of what the processor
> on the X1000 mainboard is.
I guess that even Reimer may get a clue now. At least Holwerda obviously has:
http://www.osnews.com/story/24151/A-EON_Reveals_AmigaOne_X1000_Processor_Through_Cake ;-)
some other people out there who I'm eager to see if they'll stick by their word:
If they have a P.A Semi chip with Altivec and even if it's only a 1.6GHz version I will apologize in every forum about being skeptical, about calling the X1000 an over-hyped product and about calling the AOS4 fans naive." (*)
Anyway, I'm eager to hear the "
quite a story" :-)
* Edit: So far
he seems to have forgotten his promise
he made 9 months ago:
he even keeps on with his "
according to records the first CPUs in the A1X1K were used chips" story when in fact A-Eon said it was *sample* chips they used in the beginning)
[ Edited by Andreas_Wolf on 2010/12/21 15:11 ]