"Servergy, Inc, the people behind the PowerPC server technology have now formed the PowerLinux Users Group (PLUG), an international users group to control and shape the future of PowerLinux software development for the OpenSource community. [...] Power Linux may not be of interest to many Amigans, but that fact that Servergy are promoting open source PowerPC to global Power Linux developers can only be good for the future of PowerPC hardware." http://blog.a-eon.biz/blog/?p=2998
Some more words (Google translation):
"Our interest for PowerPC Linux is twofold. L 'A1-X1000 already supports 9 PowerPC Linux distributions, as well as AmigaOS 4, which is the operating system for which it was originally designed. And' in our plans for all future products PowerPC-based hardware that will be developed for the Amiga OS 4 will also continue to support the PowerPC Linux distributions. There is also a large community of developers who are interested in Linux PowerPC PowerPC hardware platforms. We see this as a potential market for the development of hardware and selling." http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&u=http://deliriotecnologico.blogspot.com/2013/05/powerpc-back-to-future.html
Edit: PowerLinux Users Group (PLUG) seems dead now.