Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
Looks like MorphOS 3 made them busy.
IMHO, not only the *timing* is "funny", so are
the hyped numbers they try to sell us (
"where are they getting this number? the email that was sent to me only had (accidentally) around 150 email addresses, not 540" and
"this has been confirmed in a comment over at a-news.de"). Also worth noticing is that the status of the next batch of X1000 hasn't really changed (it's still not here), the previous message from March 31st on that very page stated that the next batch was due in Q2, now it is July to the end of 2012, so if *anything*, this is an announcement of yet another *delay*, but not exactly worded as such, right? And in the
AW.net thread there are quite a few people reflecting over the "product status" and availability situation of the A1X1K; I guess I'm not the only one having a
"sick mind" producing
"insane ramblings" and in need of
"professional help" and should
"see a doctor"...
MorphOS is Amiga
done right! 
MorphOS NG will be AROS
done right!