Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
Thanks for clearing up my confused head. Your idea to have the MorphOS Dev Team choose a few x86 Mac models to support if/when they decide to move on and away from the PPC architecture and to the x86/x64 architecture, is not a bad idea and I for one would support that idea, as I like MacOSX almost as much as MorphOS2.5 and AmigaOS3.9 and would not mind buying Intel powered Macs in the future to run MorphOS on. I could then install MorphOS2.x, Amithlon, AROS, MacOSX, Windows7 and Linux Ubuntu on different partitions and Sextuple boot into any of the 6 OSes I want to run at that time, and also use WinUAE to boot AmigaOS1.3 to 3.9 for yet another AmigaOS choice.
I already have a Black 2.16GHz Core2Duo MacBook that I used to use more than any other computer I own. I say used because I am typing this message on my "New-to-ME" 17" 1.67GHz G4 PowerBook which will be my most used computer from now on and I am going to sell my MacBook tomorrow (it is not that I don't like my MacBook, it's great, but I love the screen size of this 17" PowerBook and I can hardly wait to put MorphOS2.? on it as soon as it is released some time in the future. This PowerBook looks like new and I think will resist wear better than the black MacBook, which works great, but could use a new keyboard, trackpad and wrist rest (top of inside case which surrounds the keyboard) as they have worn smooth and shiny in contrast to the flat black of the rest of the case, so it is very noticeable.
The 1.67GHz G4 is noticeably slower than the 2.16GHz Core2Duo while browsing the Internet, but I don't know if that is only due to the CPU difference, or if part of the difference could be caused by weaker video card and wireless network card inside the older G4 PowerBook?
Lucky for all of you that I can't keep my eyes open one more minute, so I am not going to finish my thoughts here tonight. I'll ramble on more about this thread tomorrow.
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.