• Caterpillar
    Posts: 38 from 2009/10/27
    @ boot_wb and others

    Ehmm, sorry if I failed to express myself more clearly...

    I meant that supporting up to date hardware on the PC side is quite difficult because product cycles are short and manpower on the MorphOS side small.

    Therefore, it makes more sense (I think) to choose Apple X86 machines as targets for MorphOS (if there was a decision to switch to X86 some day) than to pick a short lived PC-Setup from the shelf.
    Each Apple X86 line of computers has a defined and well tested setup of components. In the future these models could be bought second hand and some specific ones (with appropriate setup) chosen to be supported.

    To make it short, I meant to use Apple X86s as a target platform for MorphOS in the future like Apple PPCs are used at present, with the same advantages.

    I hope to have made it more clear now...
  • »05.08.10 - 23:40