• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12131 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany

    > Today, AppliedMicro announced the sample availability of the APM 83290
    > starting now and production number availability for Q1/2010.

    Bad news from 5 weeks ago:

    "AppliedMicro has scuppered its APM83290 dual-CPU IC based on the Titan CPU it developed with Intrinsity. Instead of selling the processor as a product, AppliedMicro will offer it as a development vehicle to customers and then convert these customers to undisclosed, forthcoming 40nm processors with similar capabilities but a different CPU."

    "AppliedMicro will not productize its first dual-CPU processor, the 90nm APM83290, which was developed in conjunction with Intrinsity. Instead, the company will supply this processor only in sample quantities and later convert customers to a homegrown 40nm processor."
    http://www.mdronline.com (under "July 5, 2010")
  • »12.08.10 - 23:57