Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 486 from 2008/8/10
Quote:number6 wrote:
Quote:number6 wrote:
Andreas_Wolf wrote:
> in October 1000 new AmigaOne A1222 boards will be released to the community.
Hasn't this already been postponed to early 2018? They must be 3 years old by then.
> Charge those users a $100 license fee
I wouldn't find it fair to charge them more than Sam460 user (49 EUR).
In July, 2017 interview Trevor said that he was "hopeful" that there would be an announcement
by the end of 2017. If I can find anything more recent from the source, I'll post it.
I promised to post anything new mentioned on this topic. Although not earth shattering, here it is.
Trevor's most recent blog seems to basically repeat what he has said in the past:
Although there is still some work needed to done on audio and Ethernet drivers before the AmigaOne A1222 can be commercially released, the FPU optimization appears to be progressing well.
Nevertheless, apparently they are taking it to AmiWest and intend to do a demo.
the plan is to show AmigaOS 4.1 running on the AmigaOne A1222 in a live public demonstration for the first time.
Source for both quotes#6
another brief update in the q/a link (June, 2018)Slightly more recent response from the Hyperion side:
Source July 9, 2018#6