• Jim
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
    From: Delaware, USA

    Cego wrote:

    ppcamiga1 wrote:

    Cego wrote:
    The chipset is what the amiga made what it is. It is the architecture. Its the most important part of the hardware! I dont really get your point.

    Chipset was important until 1992. There is no reason to use blitter when cpu is faster.

    it doesnt matter and doesnt change the fact, that amiga was and is about its hardware architecture. The Vampire continues where Commodore left with the AGA chipset. They are improving and extending the old architecture. You cant get more real and amiga than that in 2017.

    "The chipset is what the amiga made what it is. It is the architecture."

    Once again, you're stating an opinion, not a fact.
    The primary thing that attracted me was the 68K processor, the chipset became dated quickly.
    I would have no problem with Paula being entirely scrapped.
    AGA was much slower than it should have been and effectively crippled performance once higher performing cpus were available.

    "Real Amiga"? if that existed today it would have an X64 processor and the chipset would NOT be register compatible with legacy hardware.
    Its just a fact of life that as systems evolve, their underlying hardware changes.
    The only reason that legacy hardware for the Amiga hasn't changed?

    Well a Star Trek quote is appropriate here "Its dead, Jim".

    If Vampire continues to deviate from an exact replication of Amiga hardware, I'd have NO problem with that.
    Better 16 bit sound, full 32-bit color, and modernized fpu and mmu, no problem.
    I'm not a gamer, and if your one of those man-children that insists on playing games with your hardware, don't worry they'll probably include emulation for your 'beloved' Amiga, so you can play your Sega Genesis level 2D games.

    In the meanwhile, things have moved on.
    And if they want to give me a supercharged 68K platform, I'm all for it and will be buying a Vampire4 for my A2000.

    Because legacy Amiga kind of bores the stuffing out of me anymore. I get more excitement hacking user designed 68K systems, and using NG.

    So, to conclude, Amiga is NOT just a chipset, its hardware, software, and mostly a concept for a quick, fast, multi-tasking multi-media oriented system.

    [ Edited by Jim 25.09.2017 - 10:04 ]
    "Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"
  • »25.09.17 - 14:01