• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12097 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Re:Amiga Documents tweet about "firing".
    > The main site, version 3.0.2 now reports it this way: [...]

    And also:

    "In June 2019, following further allegations of incompatibility and even fraudulent actions [281], it became known that Mr. Ben Hermans was "fired from Monard Law" [284]."

    It's sad to see the Amiga Documents author resort to shit tactics like these. And it's not the first time at that (see comments #175 and #177). Up until about a year ago, I used to praise the Amiga Documents site as a place of knowledge and truth, but these increasing incidents of stating rumours as truths and on top of it referencing sources that are either piss-taking or do not back up the stated claims in any way make me question the author's motives.
  • »04.07.19 - 22:55