Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12268 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
>>> TheWolf missed the bigger error in that statement.......
>> Which one would that be (bigger factual error than being
>> half a decade off, that is)?
> for someone the smallest details are more important than the
> meaning of the message. [...] the meaning of the message is,
> that in the past I was thinking about purchase of Efika.
For some other people, being corrected on details means the corrector didn't get the meaning of the message ;-) Btw, I'm still waiting for Kronos to reveal the real big error he said you made :-)
> My apollogies for this. [...] Yes, you are right, we cannot speak
> about Efika in 2003
No need to apologize. We all err or misremember from time to time.
> We was talking also about purchase of AmigaOne years
> before it was oficially available.
"AmigaOne" has always been just a label and what was to be sold under that label changed multiple times over the years. What was finally sold as "AmigaOne" in late 2002 was technically a different product than what was initially announced 2½ years before. Not so with the Efika 5200B.
> Here is mentioned
Efika years before official production
> and here years before
MorphOs support.
Indeed, Efika 5200B took 3 whole years from initial announcement to official MorphOS support (1½ years from initial announcement to official production and then another 1½ years to official MorphOS support).