If anyone is interested, I thought I'd share the progress of my latest ongoing pet project for MorphOS.
While UAE works fairly well on my Mac mini I bought a Minimig with the intent of controlling it from MorphOS (as if it were a daughterboard).
It is still very early days. So far all pieces can communicate and I have a simple MorphOS application which controls the system and feeds it with mouse/keyboard/joystick data.
(Thanks BSzili and Kelly Samel for help with Xbox360 controller code on MorphOS!)
Here is a movie of the work in progress:
http://youtu.be/PABMGhbiElYThe goal is of course to eventually have the MorphOS host also do the file serving to remove the need of putting disk images on the Minimig SD card.
The long term goal is to be able to simply double-click an ADF to have it launch on the minimig as a seamless experience just like if it had launched in UAE :)