Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
Quote:Intuition wrote:
Andreas_Wolf wrote:
So if I understand this correctly (second link makes my brain ache!) Hyperion
intentionally distributed a pirated copy of MUI4 to their customers just to provoke a reaction from Stuntzi?
I cringe of brain ache as well, can't believe I'm actually reading this! But things like this has been done by "them" before ("them" beeing both Hyperion and third party OS4 developers).
Kronos wrote:
As much I like to nail something like that to Hyperion....
The guys maintaing the OS4-MUI did release that onw their own
Yes, as
Christoph Gutjahr said, this was never an OS4 update but a *third party* app released as such ('Xmas update'), probably because nothing else was available.
"Got to keep the potential X2000 customers happy."
"given the state of the project, they can't be too picky about what they offer as 'updates':
Timberwolf dead? Gallium/SMP only existing in the heads of some wannabe leaders? The W3D drivers that Trevor had "hoped to have ready" for AmiWest 2012 still not released?
MUI4 at least gives the impression of progress."Quote:
maybe they just forgot to compile the keyfile-check, maybe they thought that Stuntzi was long gone, maybe that their contributions to the code ouweigh his and MUI so somehow became theirs,maybe....
Still quite a funny trainwreck.
Embarrassing is what it is! That post by "tommy sammy" linked to above is astonishing, what it says is that Stefan Stuntz only developed MUI between 1992-2006, since then MUI4 is copyrighted/developed (2006-2013) by "the MUI4 team". So I agree with you, maybe they conveniently "believed" that MUI was abandonware or whatever, maybe they conveniently "thought" that their contributions to the MUI project was greater than Stefan Stuntz's, so maybe they argued that because all of this, MUI4 had now become the property of "the MUI4 team"/OS4/the reeel!!1! or whatever.
Magic User Interface, Copyright © 1992-2013, Stefan Stuntz(Page last updated: 29-Aug-2013, 08:25:45)
They should be ashamed, but I doubt they are capable. A train wreck it is indeed.
Jim wrote:
So, if I read all this correctly, the package still requires a key from Stuntzi to work correctly?
Too funny.
First it didn't apparently, but after a recent update the key file check has been re-introduced into OS4-MUI. This after Stefan Stuntz contacted them (after OS4-MUI had been released) and made clear to them that MUI is *his* property.
[ Edited by takemehomegrandma 19.01.2014 - 11:06 ]MorphOS is Amiga
done right! 
MorphOS NG will be AROS
done right!