The 2012 AmiWest Show is only 3 weeks away now, so like I do almost every year, I am asking for suggestions on what the members of would like to see me demonstrate during this year's AmiWest Show.
Please add your suggestions to this thread, and I will attempt to demonstrate everything added here during some part of the 2012 AmiWest Show.
I have not yet decided if I am going to ask for a time slot to do a formal MorphOS3.1 presentation during the show, in front of all the show attendee's, but if I don't do such a formal presentation, I will still be doing ongoing demonstrations of various MorphOS3.1 features at my rented display table, through out the 2 days of the show.
I have already decided to demonstrate the MorphOS3.1 programs listed below, but if you have any others that you think should be shown and focused on by me, please add to this short list.
Odyssey - special attention to showing YouTube videos using HTML5 support, but also how to play Flash videos using the best methods available. This is something I admit to being inexperienced with, as I do 99% of my Internet browsing on my Intel powered MacMini, which has Flash support and I don't have to think about configuring anything to get videos to play correctly. Time for me to learn how to use Odyssey's features that Fab has done great work to give to us.
Grunch - One of my favorite programs on MorphOS3.1 for the way it works so brilliantly to keep so many other programs working correctly, as it installs and maintains all file and library dependencies. Installers for all MorphOS programs should work so well.
VPDF - A very nice and fast PDF viewer that is an essential tool that all operating systems must have.
Jalepeno - (I don't know how to get accent marks to work to put the squiggly line over the "o" at the end of Jalepeno) Not sure what I will burn with this, or how I will demonstrate it, but I screwed up and missed demonstrating it last year, when it was requested by one or more of the MorphOS Dev. Team members, so I will make sure I demonstrate it this year.
There are several other programs I "MIGHT" attempt to demonstrate during the 2 days of the show, but it depends on several factors, such as me getting the programs setup and working correctly, or my level of understanding on how to use the program correctly. Some of these that I am thinking of are:
LightWave3D v5.2 - This is an Amiga68k program, but several people have reported getting it to work correctly on their MorphOS3.1 computers, and have been impressed at how fast it runs and renders on their G4 MorphOS3.1 computers, so I think it would make for a good candidate to demonstrate, if I can resolve why I have not been able to get it set up correctly yet on my MorphOS computers.
ImageFX Studio v4.5 - Another Amiga68k program that many users have been successful in getting to work on their MorphOS3.1 computers, but I have not been able to get either of my ImageFX Studio v4.5 CD's to install correctly on any of my Amiga, or MorphOS computers, so I am hoping that I will be able to install it manually instead.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - I purchased this game a couple of months ago online and have it installed on my 1.5GHz G4 MacMini, as it will not yet run on my G4 PowerBook, until the R300 3D driver is completed. I might also install it on to my over-clocked 1.58GHz G4 PowerMac tower, as this game should be a good demonstration that many people will enjoy seeing running on MorphOS3.1.
I am sure I will think of more programs and games that would be good candidates to demonstrate during the 2012 AmiWest Show at my display table. I am planning on taking my 1.67GHz G4 PowerBook, my 1.5GHz G4 MacMini, & my over-clocked 1.58GHz G4 PowerMac tower and have all 3 running MorphOS3.1 continuously during the show, for anyone to try out, and test software on them, so they can decide if MorphOS3.1 is something they would like to have for themselves.
Over the last 4 years, while I have demonstrated MorphOS during each AmiWest Show, there have been many people who have taken the time to sit down and use MorphOS and learn about it. I know that at least half a dozen, or more of these people have later purchased their own MorphOS computers, so they could learn more about it. The low cost of computers systems that are supported by MorphOS, has made it easy for these people to justify purchasing a computer, usually for $100 or less, and install the free demo of MorphOS themselves. If they do not like it, they can usually re-sell the Mac computer for close to the same price they paid for it and they have lost nothing for the experience.
Please participate by writing your suggestions in this thread.
I am not asking for any donations this year, to help pay for the MorphOS display table, but if anyone wants to donate toward this purpose, I will not turn them away, just contact me privately.
I will again use the beautiful MorphOS poster that was designed by Pampers who hangs out in these forums. IIRC, Pampers also paid, or helped me pay, for the printing costs to get the poster printed at a 3-feet high, by 4-feet wide, poster size. Thanks again Pampers, and also thanks to all of you who have supported me in the past, by donating toward the costs involved in getting MorphOS presented and demonstrated at each AmiWest Show.
I look forward to all of your suggestions.
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.