  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > It's simple really.

    Indeed it is:

    1. The X1000 exists.
    2. An unknown to us number of X1000 units was available for sale.
    3. All of those X1000 units available for sale so far have been purchased.

    Points 1 and 2 mean the X1000 is not vapourware, at least according to all definitions of the term "vapourware" I'm aware of. Point 3 means there are customers who bought the X1000, at least according to all definitions of the term "customer" I'm aware of.

    > You can't buy it, there aren't any available

    I already explained to you that the *current* availability status has no bearing on whether the product is vapourware or not and whether it has customers or not, especially as the X1000 units were verifiably on sale and were verifiably purchased by customers.

    > it's not "in production"

    Apart from the fact that the *current* production status has no bearing on whether the product is vapourware or not, how do you know? There's even an X1000 betatester claiming that the Nemo boards of the new X1000 batch to be put on sale in "late Q2 2012" are readily produced and being shelved at AmigaKit since the beginning of May:


    > and except from one or two limited batches [...], it has *never* been.

    So essentially you say that it has been in production indeed. Thanks for proving my point.

    > Sure, our views on the term "Vapor" may differ

    They do, obviously.

    > customers are asked not to talk about their experiences in public
    > but in closed, private forums

    Asked by whom exactly? A-Eon? AmigaKit? X1000 betatesters? Other customers?

    > customers are discouraged from testing/benchmarking the thing

    Discouraged by whom exactly? A-Eon? AmigaKit? X1000 betatesters? Other customers?

    > I think it's more appropriate to call it "Prototypes" being sold
    > while in development, rather than "Products", and IMHO this is what
    > a very limited bunch of people are in possession of. Prototypes.
    > Not a finished product.

    I see you are solely concentrating on the software side of the X1000 product here, i.e. OS4 (after all, the Nemo v2.1 board seems to be quite a solid product), but I don't see how your Wikipedia link supports your assessment that the non-support for several components of the X1000 in OS4 makes the X1000 a prototype. My connotation of the term "prototype" is something much less complete and functional, such like the Amiga Walker and the C65.

    > There are some people in possession of the Amiga Walker from Amiga
    > Technologies. There are some people in possession of the C65 from
    > Commodore.

    See above.

    > There are many more examples of things actually existing in a
    > tangible form (read: the results of something coming out from a very
    > limited production run), but prototypes nevertheless, that has not
    > yet reached its full specifications.

    As your view of the X1000 as a "prototype" is obviously limited to the software side of things, the customers can at least hope for their "prototype" to reach "full specifications" in a very easy way, i.e. by downloading and installing software updates. A real hardware prototype upgrade is much harder to proceed :-)

    > The AmigaOne X1000 [...] has never been sold from stock without prior
    > written agreements between the customer and the producer directly

    The current "First Contact" customers had to sign written agreements with A-Eon? Could you please cite a reliable reference for this claim?

    > I couldn't order one this instant and have it shipped to me today,
    > even if I wanted to, and this has *never* been possible!

    True, but that doesn't mean it's "vapourware" nor that there are no customers. You could try to order a Pandora or a Raspberry Pi this instant and have it shipped to you today :-)

    > It's not here

    True, it's with the existing customers.

    > It's vapor. Prototype maybe, but it's a none-product nevertheless.

    I still don't think so.
  • »04.06.12 - 14:41
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    I'm not trying to claim that the X1000 doesn't exist, not at all. But in my book, it still hasn't lived up to its claims, it still hasn't proved itself to be a readily developed product according to its goals, it still hasn't proved that it can exist outside the incubator in a self-sustained way on the market, it still hasn't proved itself to be viable in any way. The biggest challenge in putting a product to the market (for *real*), isn't about R&D. You are *not* done when you have a PCB in limited numbers, the biggest effort, what separates the *products* from the *none-products* (the vapor), still remains. And this is actually where most projects fails! Of all these more or less ambitious projects that never reached the market...

    A2200 (Computer Answers)
    A5000 MK1
    A5000 MK2 (Power Computing)
    A6000 (Power Computing)
    AA3000 (Commodore)
    Amiga 1400 (Commodore)
    Amiga 3000+ (Commodore)
    Amiga 4030L Portable (Quickpak)
    Amiga 4060L Portable (Quickpak)
    Amiga 4040L (Quickpak)
    Amiga 4060L (Quickpak)
    Amiga 5050T (Quickpak)
    Amiga 1630LD (Quickpak)
    Amiga ED (Viscorp)
    Amiga MCC (Gateway - Amiga Inc)
    Amiga MCC 1000
    Amiga MCC 1200
    Amiga Nyx
    AmigaOne 1200
    AmigaOne 4000
    AmigaONE 1GHz CPU module (ACK)
    AmigaONE 1.7GHz CPU module (ACK)
    AmigaONE Dual 7410 Cpu Module (eyetech)
    AmigaOS 4 Concept Developer System (Gateway - Amiga inc)
    AmiRage K2
    Apollo ViperPPC
    BSC MemoryMaster 1230
    BSC TurboMaster 3050
    BuddhaFlash A500
    C5300 workstation
    C5400 workstation
    CD1200 (Commodore Amiga)
    CD32 Game System 030 accelerator (Commodore)
    CDTV Arcnet controller
    CDTV CR Mpeg card
    Coldfire4000 (1)
    Commodore 2631
    Comspec Arm 1000 (Amiga Rom Module for A1000)
    Comspec SA500 (A500 SCSI Expansion Adapter)
    CV3D Mpeg card
    daVinci Gfx card
    Delfina Flipper - original Zorro/PCI "flipper" board
    DKB Talon - Zorro gfx
    DKB Inferno - gfx addon for Wildfire
    Elbox EM8400 MPEG-2 hardware decoder
    Elbox ISDN PCI card
    Eureka Afterburner
    Gigatron Amiga laptop
    GVP A4098
    Harms TurboJet 4000
    Harms TurboJet 5000
    HiQ "Alpha Project"
    Impulse Multiprocessing system
    Inside Out
    Kickflash (Individual Computers)
    Martina Sound Card
    M.A.S.T Infinity Machine - expansion box for A500 with 030
    Melody CDTV soundcard
    MicroA1 XC
    O'Connell 68K™ "classic" Amiga® compatible notebook computer
    Pegasos I G4 cpu boards
    Pegasos I Dual cpu boards
    Pegasos II Dual cpu boards
    PIOS One
    PowerAmiga (Escom)
    Siamese PCI
    Silicon Studio - Zorro III sound
    Sunrize DD-524 - optical I/O for AD-516
    TeronPX (AmigaOne)
    UltraBus USB Zorro Card (Creative Development)
    Unnamed A1200 accelerator (ACK 2004)
    Unnamed A1200 modular busboard & Accelerator combo (ACK 2004)
    Unnamed A500 PPC accelerator + AGA (DCE)
    Unnamed Amiga compatible laptop (BoXer developers)
    Unnamed Amiga PPC computer (H&P)
    Unnamed Supra 040 accelerator for A3000
    Unnamed Z-III AGA upgrade card
    Unity Zorro PCMCIA slot
    Universal Internet Television Interface - UITI (Viscorp)
    Unnamed PPC405 based PDA (Amiga Inc)
    VideoToaster - PAL version
    Wonder TV A6000

    ...quite a few actually *did* reach a level where they existed in a tangible form, hence they could be sold in the same way as the X1000, but still they failed to make it through the *true* challenge, to enter market in a self-sustaining way! This usually takes *a lot* of resources, hence it's a big risk, and if the "product" isn't viable enough, then this is where the stop button is usually being pressed. This is where projects become vapor. The X1000 simply doesn't have the resources to live, it can *not* breathe by itself, that is obvious to anyone that doesn't walk around with a white stick and Stevie Wonder sun glasses. And the X1000 certainly isn't readily developed either! Sure, the HW design exists and can be manufactured if wanted (and afforded). But the HW is the *minor* part in the AmigaOne X1000 product; it's merely a vessel (that can actually be replaced), where OS4 is the soul. It's OS4 that defines the AmigaOne, not the "Nemo". OS4 was shown running on the X1000 at the Vintage Computing Festival in 2010. Not much seems to have happened since then, when it comes to OS4. The latest headlines were about RS-232 serial device drivers, or whatever. But the problem is Hyperion's track record. USB2 was announced a decade(?) ago, and still not all users experience flawless USB2 experience, judging from online posts. Sam460 has been sold to end-users for more than a year(?), and still it hasn't stable drivers for *fundamental* parts of the system. So I'd say the AmigaOne X1000 still has "some way to go" (to say the least :lol:) to reach its announced true SMP, Radeon HD 3D support, "Xena", support for its on-board controllers, and tons of other things that I seriously doubt will *ever* get here. You think it's a *product* just because some PCB exists in some peoples possession. I don't agree with your definition. I'd agree to it being less vapor than "UltimatePPC" or "NatAmi", but IMO it has much more in common with the C65 or Amiga Walker, than it has to the Raspberry Pi (which is a real product, made by a real company with real resources, it has a real market, real viability etc, in other words - not in any way comparable), it's more of a prototype sold while still under development than a finished product on sale that lives up to its announced and promised specifications.

    It's not fully developed, that's a fact (and it's a great possibility that it *never* will be), it's certainly not self-sustaining, it can't live without a life support machine, its producers can't even afford to produce it in tiny batches without pre-orders in writing as well as pre-payments, it's simply not available to customers wanting to buy it, it has never been up for sale in the normal way that real consumer products usually are. Maybe there won't *ever* be another production run, its poor viability speaks in favor of that, the HW is nothing short of insane and I think people starts to realize this, and they see the poor 2005 level performance. Chances are *overwhelming* that it never will become anything close to what it was set out to be. In short: It has *a lot* to prove, and it's not even close yet. Hence it's a none-product in my views, just like the C65, the Walker, and many of the listed "products" above. I think the chances are pretty slim that it will *ever* live up to the announced specifications (true SMP without breaking the "Amiga" in OS4, yeah right...), and chances are actually that more C65's were produced, and "sold" for that matter.

    [ Edited by takemehomegrandma 04.06.2012 - 22:02 ]
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »04.06.12 - 20:41
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > the biggest effort, what separates the *products* from the *none-products* (the vapor),
    > still remains.

    I don't share this assessment of yours. In my eyes, the X1000 is product enough to be more than "vapourware" and also more than a "none-product".

    > Of all these more or less ambitious projects that never reached the market [...] quite
    > a few actually *did* reach a level where they existed in a tangible form, hence they
    > could be sold in the same way as the X1000

    Which of those listed projects specifically you consider having reached a state comparable to the current state of the X1000 so they could have been "sold in the same way as the X1000"? I glanced through your list and didn't notice any project that came as far as the X1000 currently is, except for "TeronPX (AmigaOne)", which not only could have been sold but actually was sold.

    > if the "product" isn't viable enough, then this is where the stop button is usually being
    > pressed. This is where projects become vapor.

    This is not my understanding of the term. If a product reaches one or more production runs, is sold to regular customers and is only then stopped from being produced, it's not vapourware any more in my book. It would be a very short-lived product, though.

    > Sure, the HW design exists and can be manufactured if wanted (and afforded).

    I even think that the Nemo v2.1 board is some solid piece of hardware, even with that XCore nonsense on board.

    > the HW is the *minor* part in the AmigaOne X1000 product

    I don't share this assessment. More than 95% of what the X1000 customers pay for the product is for the hardware part alone.

    > It's OS4 that defines the AmigaOne, not the "Nemo".

    The AmigaOne X1000 product as specified by A-Eon is defined by the combination of OS4 on the software side and the Nemo board, the boing ball case and other minor parts (like the gfx card) on the hardware side.

    > the problem is Hyperion's track record. [...] Sam460 has been sold to end-users for more
    > than a year(?), and still it hasn't stable drivers for *fundamental* parts of the system.

    As far as I've understood the distribution of roles, that may be ACube's duty not Hyperion's.

    > You think it's a *product* just because some PCB exists in some peoples possession.

    No, I think it's a product because the hardware is readily developed, OS4 for it is in a rather usable state (from a perspective of me as a MorphOS user at least) and it is in the hand of customers.

    > I don't agree with your definition.

    Funny, as you obviously have not even been aware of what my definition actually is. So what you're not agreeing with is your delusion of what my definition is.

    > IMO it has much more in common with the C65 or Amiga Walker, than it
    > has to the Raspberry Pi (which is [...] not in any way comparable)

    I mentioned the Raspberry Pi just because you criticized about the X1000 that you couldn't order one this instant and have it shipped to you today. This has always been the case with the Raspberry Pi as well. This comparison was just made to illustrate the absurdity of your reasoning.

    > I think people [...] see the poor 2005 level performance.

    I still think it's more like 2007-level performance.

    > Hence it's a none-product in my views, just like the C65, the Walker, and many
    > of the listed "products" above.

    In my view it is a product as it meets the "product" definitions I'm aware of. The C65, the Walker and all items in your list except for the "TeronPX (AmigaOne)" do not meet those.

    > chances are actually that more C65's were produced, and "sold" for that matter.

    The C65 prototypes built in 1990/1991 were sold as part of the Commodore liquidation sale no earlier than 1994. That's quite a different thing compared to the sale of the X1000 units. In case A-Eon should fold in the near term and batch(es) of X1000 will get sold off I'll look at that comparison again. Until then, I'll consider the X1000 a real product as opposed to the prototype C65 remnants.

    Btw, is it just me or did you really dodge my 4 question I asked you regarding certain claims you made (up?)?
  • »04.06.12 - 22:58
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1424 from 2003/4/13

    A2200 (Computer Answers)
    A5000 MK1
    A5000 MK2 (Power Computing)
    A6000 (Power Computing)
    AA3000 (Commodore)

    Ahem, despite me not frequenting Amiga.org anymore you should really quote the source of this list ;-)

    [ Edited by redrumloa 04.06.2012 - 18:28 ]
  • »04.06.12 - 23:28
  • Jim
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
    From: Delaware, USA

    Not another of these long winded, polarized series of posts that never goes anywhere.

    The X1000 is no more "vaporware" then anything produced by Individual Computers.

    Trevor, like Jens Schönfeld, produces his product in limited runs.

    You can buy one when they're available.

    And like Jens, I'm sure Trevor will tell us when he and Varisys start to run out of PA6T processors for production.

    BTW - I wholly expect Trevor to come up with a successor to the X1000.

    This isn't in anyway related to the example given by takemehomegrandma as its a successful product that is likely to be the first in a line of products.

    "Vaporware", ha!
    That implies something intangible that can not be seen or touched.
    My friend AmigaDave has one sitting with his other computers (inc[bluding his MorphOS systems), so I know that term does not apply.

    [ Edited by Jim 05.06.2012 - 00:05 ]
    "Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"
  • »05.06.12 - 00:03
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2012/6/4
    From: Nanaimo, BC, C...
    Don't know about missing people, but I'm not an FC customer. I'm a beta tester. I don't hang about on MB, so I'm not about to correct this post.
  • »05.06.12 - 04:08
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    The "AmigaOne" would not exist without OS4, for several reasons. Its name is licensed from Hyperion, the makers of OS4, who in turn has a license from Amiga Inc, the Amiga IP owner. The reasons to why it was made, was *only* to produce a system on which OS4 could run. That's the *only* reason. Which means that neither the "Nemo motherboard" would have existed, hadn't it been for OS4. There is no chance in hell that something like Nemo would be developed for 2012+ markets, based on PPC, with "Xorro" and "Xena" and whatever, as a way to run *Linux* in the performance range that PPC Mac's did back in 2005! No way! *OS4* is the reason to why it exists, and there has been other "AmigaOne's" in the past, and maybe there will be others in the future, the HW is merely the vessel, the OS is both the heart and soul of the product, the only thing that isn't replaceable, and 100% of what the "customers" pay for, is for the promise of it being *the fastest way of running OS4*, much thanks to the announced SMP feature (one of the most noticeable parts that simply isn't developed yet, "Xena" and "Xorro" are other, and the fact that the OS isn't even supporting the on-board controllers yet is yet another thing that makes this an unfinished product). *Everything* in "AmigaOne" is about OS4, *everything*, hence it's *the* central part of the AmigaOne concept. And I (and I know I'm hardly the only one) have *serious* doubts that the AmigaOne X1000 will ever live up to its promised features, Hyperion's track record clearly speaks against it, and it will take a lot more than Steven "OS4 has 5000 users" Solie's *words* to make it true.

    Not only is the AmigaOne X1000 still *very underdeveloped*, it's *not available* either, and the fact is that it has never been available in the sense that normal consumer products are. When Jens Schönfeld puts a product to the market, he makes the product available, he writes a press release about it, and then you can buy it from his store or one of his resellers. This has *never* been the case with the AmigaOnce X1000, no-one has ever been able to say "Hmm, what should I do today, well, how about getting myself an AmigaOne X1000, I have thought about that for some time, and now it's time to do it". It has never been in stock, anywhere. You can't buy it from Vesalia, not from GGS Data, not from AmigaKit, not even from www.a-eon.com. The reason to why I put so much weight on this, is because of the obvious poor viability of the A1X1K, it's probably the very least viable thing I have ever seen, it can't even breathe by itself, I seriously doubt it could live outside the incubator in which it is being brought up in, meaning it has a lot to prove, a helluvalot more than the Raspberry Pi, which indeed is a real product, very much alive, with a real market, real customers, a real market need to fill, a real purpose, and real support from a real company. Very different from producing some handfull of motherboards based on individual e-mail correspondence directly between the producer and purchaser, production counted in tens of units based on pre-payment, and having them produced/delivered up to half a year later. I remember Thendic France operated like that on their very first, tiny batch of Pegasos 1 boards, a very long time before the first April patch was released and they started to stock up products at resellers, and a very long time before MorphOS reached a usable level on it. They called those "Betatester" systems (not to be confused with later Betatester(2?) systems sold through distributors), and as products they were definitely prototype class. Overall similarities with the current AmigaOne X1000 situation is striking.

    So it isn't fully developed yet, it's not available, it's not "in production" (meaning somewhat recurring production runs to fill up stock when stock is getting low ("stock" is not even an applicable term in an A1X1K context)), the poor viability speaks against *any* of this will ever happen, and especially so *all* of them (and chances are that with a few hundred active OS4 users world wide, the market for a $3,000+ product performing like a $300 PowerMac may already be saturated; those few interested enough has already got one, meaning it will be over before it really begun), so in short: It's a none-product! Vapor, until proven differently! It has not yet reached the starting-line of the race in its full configuration! At best it could be considered a prototype, something that hasn't reached its announced features yet and is still under development.

    I have understood as much as you don't share my views of "vapor". And I don't share your views of "product". I'm fine with that. I think I will be proven right in the end, but I won't cry if I'm proven wrong. It's a none-issue after all, without any impact on the world (or even the Amiga community) whatsoever. Time will tell, maybe not even a full year from now, maybe a bit more, we'll see...

    [ Edited by takemehomegrandma 05.06.2012 - 11:28 ]
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 09:40
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    Ahem, despite me not frequenting Amiga.org anymore you should really quote the source of this list ;-)

    Hehe, of course! :-)

    This is the super-duper mega list of Amiga Vaporware that redrumloa initiated and finalized over at amiga.org (with the help of many others of course)! It's probably the most complete list of its kind in existence, so I shamelessly snagged it and hoped he wouldn't notice! ;-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 09:45
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    Don't know about missing people, but I'm not an FC customer. I'm a beta tester. I don't hang about on MB, so I'm not about to correct this post.

    I'm not the one who initially made this list over at moobunny, but since I am the one who reposted it here, I have now corrected it here on MZ! Of course, and thanks for pointing this out! :-)

    And again - if anyone knows about a nick/name of anyone that has an A1X1K and is not listed above, please tell me, and I will make the addition! :-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 09:52
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22
    I can't even be bothered to read all that, never mind go through each point,

    so to keep it short;

    1: limited edition, short time period to buy the one already out, not the same as vapourwear

    2: Not living up to full potential, not the same as vapourwear

    And, err. never mind, I'm boring myself now.
  • »05.06.12 - 14:01
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    It's not yet a product either, especially not what it aimed to be. It's impossible to buy it, there aren't any available, it's not "in production", and except from one or two limited batches (with very special circumstances attached to it) it has *never* been. It is *very* far from being the SMP OS4 system with Xorro and Xena it is set out to be, hence it has more of a "prototype" status attached to it, and since the challenges of *actually reaching* the AmigaOne X1000 specifications are just as *overwhelming* (some would say impossible altogether) as Hyperion's track record and resources are *underwhelming*, I'd say that risks are *huge* that it will *never* happen. So: No product available, never been in production, very far from reaching its specified goals, and extremely doubtful if it ever will, makes it qualify perfectly as vapor in my book.
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 14:50
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22

    never been in production


    [ Edited by stephen_robinson 05.06.2012 - 15:09 ]
  • »05.06.12 - 15:06
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24


    never been in production


    In production != produced, see above.
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 15:11
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    I couldnt care less about this product but it has been produced and it has been sold. It is only limited run at limited stores but it is there.

    It is not vaporware.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.06.12 - 15:25
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > 100% of what the "customers" pay for, is for the promise of it being
    > *the fastest way of running OS4*

    ...which it is due to the hardware.

    > much thanks to the announced SMP feature

    It's already "the fastest way of running OS4" right now, without the second core in use.

    > one of the most noticeable parts that simply isn't developed
    > yet, "Xena" and "Xorro" are other


    > the OS isn't even supporting the on-board controllers yet

    It isn't supporting *all* the on-board controllers yet, namely two (audio and Ethernet). The rest is supported as far as I'm aware.

    > Jens Schönfeld

    What has Jens Schönfeld to do with anything I wrote?

    > You can't buy it from [...] AmigaKit, not even from www.a-eon.com.

    You were able to buy it from AmigaKit, which has been appointed A-Eon's "Primary Channel Distributor" for the AmigaOne X1000.

    > it has a lot to prove, a helluvalot more than the Raspberry Pi

    And yet you can't order a Raspberry Pi this instant and have it shipped to you today :-)

    > producing some handfull of motherboards based on individual e-mail
    > correspondence directly between the producer and purchaser

    AFAIK, the purchasers' correspondence has been with AmigaKit, not with A-Eon.

    > production counted in tens of units

    Do you claim that one production batch size of Nemo boards is smaller than 100 units?

    > I remember Thendic France operated like that on their very first,
    > tiny batch of Pegasos 1 boards, a very long time before the first
    > April patch was released [...]. [...] as products they were
    > definitely prototype class. Overall similarities with the current
    > AmigaOne X1000 situation is striking.

    All pre-April2 Pegasos boards are prone to data corruption. I've yet to hear that about the AmigaOne X1000 and its Nemo v2.1 board.

    > the market [...] may already be saturated; those few interested
    > enough has already got one

    There are still people on forums claiming they want to get one with the next batch. Do you think they're lying?

    > It's a none-product! Vapor, until proven differently!
    > [...] At best it could be considered a prototype

    I'm still not convinced, and I still think it has been proven differently.

    > I have understood as much as you don't share my views of "vapor".

    That's correct.

    > I don't share your views of "product".

    I have a feeling this might be exclusive to things connected with OS4 :-P

    > I think I will be proven right in the end

    Regarding what exactly?
  • »05.06.12 - 15:40
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    It is not vaporware.

    It depends enterily if you are talking about the nemo motherboard plus accessories, *or* the OS4 system it was set out to be. It's certainly *not* the announced SMP capable OS4 system with Xorro and Xena support, all *key features*, and since I highly doubt it will ever be, I definitely consider it as vapor.
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 15:47
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 486 from 2008/8/10

    @takemehomegrandma quote:

    "I don't share your views of "product".

    @Andreas_Wolf quote:

    "I have a feeling this might be exclusive to things connected with OS4 :-P"

    (just summarizing the only relevant bits from the last few pages) Heh.

  • »05.06.12 - 15:59
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    But the hardware is there. A-eon delivered it. And of course have made huge loss with it. In contrary, Hyperion is making money from each OS4 copy they have sold with it.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »05.06.12 - 16:08
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 59 from 2007/10/11
    From: Calgary, Alberta

    Does anyone know about a nick/name of someone that is missing from the list, that should be added there?


    P.S. The X1000 is just a computer. AmigaOS is just an operating system. Professional help is available. See your doctor.
    AmigaOne X1000 + AmigaOne 500 (1.2 GHz) + AmigaOne XE (7455)
    Amiga Users of Calgary (AMUC)
  • »05.06.12 - 18:51
    Profile Visit Website
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24


    Does anyone know about a nick/name of someone that is missing from the list, that should be added there?


    Great, I *knew* there would be some more! Who then?


    P.S. The X1000 is just a computer. AmigaOS is just an operating system. Professional help is available. See your doctor.

    As the head honcho of all things OS4 these days, is this going to be your contribution to the discussion? Really?

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 19:12
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2060 from 2003/6/4
    @ Takemehomegrandma

    Why do you even care? I am not a fan of the X1k myself, but why should I even bother? I don't care. If someone has fun with that device, well why not.
    But IMHO the interesting questions regarding the X1k are:
    1 Will MorphOS support that device?
    2 Will it hurt or benefit MorphOS?
    3 How powerful is it?
    4 What about price/perfomance ratio?
    5 Is that business model sustainable and bring on more users?
    6 Is it worth to make a thread about it that is 36 pages long?

    So far I think the answers are:
    1 No.
    2 No and probably also no.
    3 Below expectations.
    4 Ridiculous.
    5 Probably not.
    6 No.

    'nuff said.

    [ Editiert durch Zylesea 05.06.2012 - 20:45 ]

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »05.06.12 - 19:42
    Profile Visit Website
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland

    Mate, what are you trying to prove? Are you not tired of repeating all that stuff again and again and again here and on other forums?

    It's that the way you are trying to promote MorphOS? That's not the way - it's giving us as a community a bad face.

    What is more going with your POV on what vapoware is MorphOS 3.0 will be vaporware as there won't be WIFI and 3D support. Mad thinking?
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »05.06.12 - 19:56
    Profile Visit Website
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    Eh, MorphOS?

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »05.06.12 - 20:55
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > it has more of a "prototype" status attached to it

    ...by you, that is.

    > No product available

    ...for the time being. It was available and it is supposed to be available again.

    > never been in production

    Your strange interpretation of simple terms ("vapourware", "prototype", "product", "customer", "production") is about to get scary.
  • »05.06.12 - 22:06
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22

    Eh, MorphOS?

    Yes please.

    [feeble joke warning]
    I hear the delay on MorphOS has caused a couple of more features to be dropped, Including In built Grunch suppot, native ICE-FS, and all support for the Mac MIni..

    Any attempts to update MorphOS 3.0 on a Macmini will result in automatic downloading and install Debian over the previous MorphOS partition.

    [/feeble joke warning]
  • »05.06.12 - 22:14