I'm not trying to claim that the X1000 doesn't exist, not at all. But in my book, it still hasn't lived up to its claims, it still hasn't proved itself to be a readily developed product according to its goals, it still hasn't proved that it can exist outside the incubator in a self-sustained way on the market, it still hasn't proved itself to be viable in any way. The biggest challenge in putting a product to the market (for *real*), isn't about R&D. You are *not* done when you have a PCB in limited numbers, the biggest effort, what separates the *products* from the *none-products* (the vapor), still remains. And this is actually where most projects fails! Of all these more or less ambitious projects that never reached the market...
A2200 (Computer Answers)
A5000 MK1
A5000 MK2 (Power Computing)
A6000 (Power Computing)
AA3000 (Commodore)
Amiga 1400 (Commodore)
Amiga 3000+ (Commodore)
Amiga 4030L Portable (Quickpak)
Amiga 4060L Portable (Quickpak)
Amiga 4040L (Quickpak)
Amiga 4060L (Quickpak)
Amiga 5050T (Quickpak)
Amiga 1630LD (Quickpak)
Amiga ED (Viscorp)
Amiga MCC (Gateway - Amiga Inc)
Amiga MCC 1000
Amiga MCC 1200
Amiga Nyx
AmigaOne 1200
AmigaOne 4000
AmigaONE 1GHz CPU module (ACK)
AmigaONE 1.7GHz CPU module (ACK)
AmigaONE Dual 7410 Cpu Module (eyetech)
AmigaOS 4 Concept Developer System (Gateway - Amiga inc)
AmiRage K2
Apollo ViperPPC
BSC MemoryMaster 1230
BSC TurboMaster 3050
BuddhaFlash A500
C5300 workstation
C5400 workstation
CD1200 (Commodore Amiga)
CD32 Game System 030 accelerator (Commodore)
CDTV Arcnet controller
CDTV CR Mpeg card
Coldfire4000 (1)
Commodore 2631
Comspec Arm 1000 (Amiga Rom Module for A1000)
Comspec SA500 (A500 SCSI Expansion Adapter)
CV3D Mpeg card
daVinci Gfx card
Delfina Flipper - original Zorro/PCI "flipper" board
DKB Talon - Zorro gfx
DKB Inferno - gfx addon for Wildfire
Elbox EM8400 MPEG-2 hardware decoder
Elbox ISDN PCI card
Eureka Afterburner
Gigatron Amiga laptop
GVP A4098
Harms TurboJet 4000
Harms TurboJet 5000
HiQ "Alpha Project"
Impulse Multiprocessing system
Inside Out
Kickflash (Individual Computers)
Martina Sound Card
M.A.S.T Infinity Machine - expansion box for A500 with 030
Melody CDTV soundcard
MicroA1 XC
O'Connell 68K "classic" Amiga® compatible notebook computer
Pegasos I G4 cpu boards
Pegasos I Dual cpu boards
Pegasos II Dual cpu boards
PowerAmiga (Escom)
Siamese PCI
Silicon Studio - Zorro III sound
Sunrize DD-524 - optical I/O for AD-516
TeronPX (AmigaOne)
UltraBus USB Zorro Card (Creative Development)
Unnamed A1200 accelerator (ACK 2004)
Unnamed A1200 modular busboard & Accelerator combo (ACK 2004)
Unnamed A500 PPC accelerator + AGA (DCE)
Unnamed Amiga compatible laptop (BoXer developers)
Unnamed Amiga PPC computer (H&P)
Unnamed Supra 040 accelerator for A3000
Unnamed Z-III AGA upgrade card
Unity Zorro PCMCIA slot
Universal Internet Television Interface - UITI (Viscorp)
Unnamed PPC405 based PDA (Amiga Inc)
VideoToaster - PAL version
Wonder TV A6000
...quite a few actually *did* reach a level where they existed in a tangible form, hence they could be sold in the same way as the X1000, but still they failed to make it through the *true* challenge, to enter market in a self-sustaining way! This usually takes *a lot* of resources, hence it's a big risk, and if the "product" isn't viable enough, then this is where the stop button is usually being pressed. This is where projects become vapor. The X1000 simply doesn't have the resources to live, it can *not* breathe by itself, that is obvious to anyone that doesn't walk around with a white stick and Stevie Wonder sun glasses. And the X1000 certainly isn't readily developed either! Sure, the HW design exists and can be manufactured if wanted (and afforded). But the HW is the *minor* part in the AmigaOne X1000 product; it's merely a vessel (that can actually be replaced), where OS4 is the soul. It's OS4 that defines the AmigaOne, not the "Nemo". OS4 was shown running on the X1000 at the Vintage Computing Festival in 2010. Not much seems to have happened since then, when it comes to OS4. The latest headlines were about RS-232 serial device drivers, or whatever. But the problem is Hyperion's track record. USB2 was announced a decade(?) ago, and still not all users experience flawless USB2 experience, judging from online posts. Sam460 has been sold to end-users for more than a year(?), and still it hasn't stable drivers for *fundamental* parts of the system. So I'd say the AmigaOne X1000 still has "some way to go" (to say the least

) to reach its announced true SMP, Radeon HD 3D support, "Xena", support for its on-board controllers, and tons of other things that I seriously doubt will *ever* get here. You think it's a *product* just because some PCB exists in some peoples possession. I don't agree with your definition. I'd agree to it being less vapor than "UltimatePPC" or "NatAmi", but IMO it has much more in common with the C65 or Amiga Walker, than it has to the Raspberry Pi (which is a real product, made by a real company with real resources, it has a real market, real viability etc, in other words - not in any way comparable), it's more of a prototype sold while still under development than a finished product on sale that lives up to its announced and promised specifications.
It's not fully developed, that's a fact (and it's a great possibility that it *never* will be), it's certainly not self-sustaining, it can't live without a life support machine, its producers can't even afford to produce it in tiny batches without pre-orders in writing as well as pre-payments, it's simply not available to customers wanting to buy it, it has never been up for sale in the normal way that real consumer products usually are. Maybe there won't *ever* be another production run, its poor viability speaks in favor of that, the HW is nothing short of insane and I think people starts to realize this, and they see the poor 2005 level performance. Chances are *overwhelming* that it never will become anything close to what it was set out to be. In short: It has *a lot* to prove, and it's not even close yet. Hence it's a none-product in my views, just like the C65, the Walker, and many of the listed "products" above. I think the chances are pretty slim that it will *ever* live up to the announced specifications (true SMP without breaking the "Amiga" in OS4, yeah right...), and chances are actually that more C65's were produced, and "sold" for that matter.
[ Edited by takemehomegrandma 04.06.2012 - 22:02 ]MorphOS is Amiga
done right! 
MorphOS NG will be AROS
done right!