Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12245 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> he instead announced that he is moving forward with more new computers
> from A-Eon with Varisys as his partner and AmigaKit was also joining him
> as a partner to produce new AmigaOne computers.
True, he specifically said that they contracted Varisys to develop three new products, one of which will be an
XCore processor card. I guess the remaining two will be standalone PPC boards for running OS4. One of them could be a successor to Nemo, and the other maybe a mobile solution (i.e. quasi-successor to Hyperion's OS4 netbook), but that's just wild speculation from my part.
> he hopes to bring the Amiga community back together and one way to help
> accomplish this is to provide hardware that all Amiga inspired OSes can run on.
> Of course he cannot accomplish this without cooperation from the AROS and
> MorphOS developers
It's not that MorphOS can't be ported to existing Sam4x0 boards or to the X1000 but just that the MorphOS Team doesn't want to do this for several comprehensible reasons. So it will be interesting to see how he's going to create appeal for the MorphOS Team to port MorphOS to any future A-Eon hardware.
> It will be interesting to see what his next system(s) is/are going to use for
> a CPU [...] The QorIQ CPU's are the most likely choice, I would guess.
Absolutely. A-Eon already
hinted at Freescale's QorIQ P4 and P5 chips for future hardware. In my opinion it would be better for them to wait for the availability of the AltiVec-enabled QorIQ AMP (= T series) chips, at least for the X1000 successor, as even the top end P series chips are only a little better performing than the PA6T, if at all, and they lack AltiVec.
> I have not read up on which PPC platforms AROS has been ported to
So far, AROS for PPC runs natively only on Efika 5200B and Sam440.
> Trevor also said that he will not be talking about what he is doing, or
> releasing any specs on his next project(s), until they are ready to release.
> It was an obvious statement on his displeasure on the highly critical
> nature of many users in the Amiga community that love to tear apart and
> criticize plans and timeframes that are released early
I've understood it more like a statement on his displeasure with A-Eon's own rush job at announcing the X1000 for half a year later, two whole years in advance of its release.
> 2012 should be another interesting year for new Amiga hardware announcements.
So given that Trevor Dickinson said he would "not be talking about what he is doing, or releasing any specs on his next project(s), until they are ready to release" you believe there should be new A-Eon hardware released as early as 2012?