• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12245 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > He has stated that he would like to develop systems that support OS4 AND MorphOS.

    First off, it's the OS that must support the hardware, not the other way round. As said before, the MorphOS Team is free to port MorphOS to hardware that is already supported by OS4 (Sam4x0, X1000). I remember that in March you and me discussed the possibility that Trevor would attempt to have new systems created outside of A-Eon (i.e. without Ben Hermans' involvement) in order to reduce the MorphOS Team's reluctance. So far it seems he won't do that. Another show stopper is the compulsive bundling of OS4 to the hardware. For the MorphOS Team to consider a port the hardware would have to be available without OS4 optionally.

    > That would be interesting considering his partner's involvement with Hyperion.

    As we know, Trevor says A-Eon would very much appreciate a port of MorphOS to the X1000. So it seems Ben Hermans wouldn't object to that either.
  • »10.12.11 - 17:21