i have to changed my hard drive and i plug a 500GB HD into my Pegasos2.
It's correctly reconized by OF and MorphOS (HDConfig).
I made partitions when a bubble said "This partition is too large for the selected filesystem" (SFS).
The bubble disapear when size is under 124GB.
In MorphOS 2.4 release notes say :
SFS : Fixed broken disk formatting code with disks larger than 124GB
So, what is the maximum partition size with SFS ?
Wich FileSystem is better ?
PowerMac 3.5, G4 1.0GHz DP, 1GB ram, 80GB HD + NAS, Radeon 9600 128MB Mac, 1680x1050
PowerMac 7.3, G5 2.3GHz DP, 4GB ram, 160GB HD + NAS, Radeon 9800 128MB PC, 1680x1050
Amiga 500+, Vampire 500v2+, HxC Floppy