My First full year with a Pegasos II
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 410 from 2003/8/13
    From: West Palm Beac...
    Just thought I'd mention, that as of Jan. 14, 2005
    I have completed my first Year as a Pegasos II owner.
    Even though their have been issues throughout the year,
    especially the last few months, I wouldn't have traded this
    last year for any past year.

    The following points have made this my best year in computing in a
    long time:

    1. The Pegasos II rocks!! Solid Hardware, Great Platform!! thanks to
    Genesi (bplan,bbrv,etc..)

    2. Morphos has been fun to explore, use, test, etc.

    3. Genesi Have made continuous strides toward establishing themselves
    in the future. Congrats!!

    4. Morphzone. giving me a place to Hang out, argue, etc.. ;-)

    5. All Developers for Mos and Pegasos, Gives Hope for a non
    X86 computing future.

    Just want to thank all who have been apart of the last year in my
    (computing) life. 2005 brings continued challenges for our community
    but I think their is a silver lining in the clouds before us :-)

    Also, Outside of Morphos and the Peg, my life is making forward
    strides. I have acccepted an opportunity to move ahead in my career.
    This means moving to a new city and state.

    I wish You all luck in the upcoming Year, hopefully 2005 can be better
    for all of us.


  • »27.01.05 - 02:49
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 666 from 2004/2/10
    Congrats on the job! I hope your moving to warmer winters and less taxes (Pretty easy to beat NYS :-))
  • »27.01.05 - 03:23
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    Bought mine in feb 2004 .. some time till celebration time ;-) <- Free music
  • »27.01.05 - 04:45
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 389 from 2003/7/26
    From: Chicago, IL
    I have had mine for one full....... week.

    Making your
    Digital Films
    More Effective!
  • »27.01.05 - 05:33
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    How about a few more posts like this?! :-)

    We would like to point some people to this thread that shows there are a few happy Pegasos _and_ MorphOS users out there!

    Please?! :-D

    R&B :-)
  • »27.01.05 - 09:39
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 127 from 2003/6/14
    From: Tucson, AZ
    I've had my Peg1 since July 2003 and loved it since the first day I
    flipped the switch.

    The same for my Peg2. Other than the fan that I had to replace on my
    G4 card, I have had no troubles with it. My anniversary with it is
    March 4th--the day I move back to the States.

    So I'm a twice happy user.

    --Aaron Diezman
  • »27.01.05 - 10:17
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2053 from 2003/6/4
    Well, what to say...
    More than two funky years with the Pegasos. First two month were a bit difficult, but after exchanging my maschine at the Aachen show with an apriled one, it started to rock.
    I'll never forget the forgotten SiS driver on the MorphOS 1.0 package. That took me some time to figure out (serial debugging, hd swaping into my old Amiga and some ircing). Or the ide driver within the first release. Got several updates until it worked. Or the start of the BT-II ml (IIRC my ide probs were the first topic after the several hellos) ...
    I guess since the 1.2 update the Peg became my main system and I trusted the system enough to keep my mails and other important stuff.
    With 1.3 the system started to mature.

    Maybe I'll purchase an additional PegII too, but I am also thinking about a neat iBook (my old vaio notebook lacks fun and usability due to only 45 min (heavy load) to 2h (idle) runtime on battery).

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »27.01.05 - 10:27
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 891 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Hehe, come to think of it: it's almost a full year for me too now. Can you imagine? From the moment I got this peg1, I hardly touched my a1200 anymore (and that being my main computer for the previous 8 years :-) ).

    /me is still saving up for a peg2

    The Pegasos + MorphOS is truly a dream come true
  • »27.01.05 - 10:29
  • Moderator
    Posts: 461 from 2003/7/22
    I ordered mine back in March 04, so it's almost one year. But the Peg is sooo good that someone working at one of the post/courier offices stole it (I guess I'm the "owner" of the first stolen Peg). Thanks to Pegasos-Italia and Miky060 I finally got it (and he is still waiting for a refund, since the spedition was insured...), and got also a second hand Peg1 to have twice the fun!
    To date I haven't installed any other OS than MOS on both machines: I happen to like it this much. My A1200 moved to my bedroom, where it gets used only every now and then, and my Win box (a Pentium4 PC) got used much less, too. I hope I can soon get rid of it thanks to MorphOS.

    Kind regards,
  • »27.01.05 - 11:51
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 81 from 2004/1/8
    yope.........same to me for now almost
    more than a Year ( ...14month )
    and up and downs can´t stop the joy
    with this machine,,,
    have to say ,,thanx to BPLan they always have great support...exp..mister Karda..

    hope there will be much more upcoming OS´s
    in the near Future and a Morphos Community
    with fun :-) an PEGS!
  • »27.01.05 - 11:59
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 95 from 2004/5/19
    Almost one year here too! My PC has been collecting dust ever since.
    [ pegasos ii / g4 | morphos1.4.4 ]
  • »27.01.05 - 13:02
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 45 from 2003/3/13
    From: Xenia Ohio USA
    I have had mine for about 14 months now.
    It is a great time, good and bad.
    With MorphOS it has brought back the fun in computers. It only takes a moment on Win to see why we love MorphOS and the Pegasos.
    I would like to thank a few people for this;

    Raquel and Bill, great people that never let go of the dream of the Amiga and its philosophy.

    Ralph Schmidt, the father of MorphOS and the reason I have an Amiga today. May your baby grow into a world class OS!!!

    The rest of The MorphOS Dev Team, It takes a team and your work is great. Thank you and keep it going so we can see this world class OS!!!

    BPlan, I Love my Peg!! Let’s see a Peg III

    Ed Vishoot, a good friend and my local dealer and support!

    And all of you at The MorphZone! This support is great and our community is great! This has been a wonderful year and I would like many more!!!


    Bob M
    God Bless

  • »27.01.05 - 13:36
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 45 from 2003/3/13
    From: Xenia Ohio USA
    I have had mine for about 14 months now.
    It is a great time, good and bad.
    With MorphOS it has brought back the fun in computers. It only takes a moment on Win to see why we love MorphOS and the Pegasos.
    I would like to thank a few people for this;

    Raquel and Bill, great people that never let go of the dream of the Amiga and its philosophy.

    Ralph Schmidt, the father of MorphOS and the reason I have an Amiga today. May your baby grow into a world class OS!!!

    The rest of The MorphOS Dev Team, It takes a team and your work is great. Thank you and keep it going so we can see this world class OS!!!

    BPlan, I Love my Peg!! Let’s see a Peg III

    Ed Vishoot, a good friend and my local dealer and support!

    And all of you at The MorphZone! This support is great and our community is great! This has been a wonderful year and I would like many more!!!


    Bob M
    God Bless

  • »27.01.05 - 13:37
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 45 from 2003/3/13
    From: Xenia Ohio USA
    Sorry about the second post. :-o

    Bob M
    God Bless

  • »27.01.05 - 13:40
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    i had my peg recently (december 2004)
    and i'm VERY HAPPY :-x to know that nobody no longer give a s*** about Pegasos I (no firmware updates...).

    happy birthday to you, sorry that we have no presents for your Pegasos for now (what ? you asked for MOS 1.5 as a present for your birthday ? awww poor you !)

    :-D i love my Peg though :-D
  • »27.01.05 - 13:50
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 410 from 2003/8/13
    From: West Palm Beac...
    Whoops forgot to mention UltraSpec, Fantastic, support,
    for any question I ever had. Very important not to forget our
  • »27.01.05 - 14:30
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1915 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    I've had mine just over a year now as well. I was close to giving t up when I found I just could not do it! I love the system and have just started messing with Gentoo Linux on it. Its such a great system! Now more and more OSs are on the way it only looking to get better!
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCIE (Registration #6130)
    A4000T CSPPC, Mediator
    Need Repairs, upgrades or a recap in the USA? Visit my website at
  • »27.01.05 - 15:24
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    @ katos1

    Congratulations! :-)

    I bought my first Peg way back, just after MorphOS 1.0 was released. It was one of the first Pegasos 1 with April 1 ever built. Later I bought a second Pegasos 1, but with April 2. Even later I traded in my first Peg 1 for one of the first Pegasos 2's G4 ever built (around Christmas 2003 I believe) and later I bought my second Peg2, a G3. All in all there has been 4 unique Pegs at my desk, and I currently have three. I only use the 2 Pegasos 2 though ...
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »27.01.05 - 17:29
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    @ Acill

    Well you know it's like that Hotel of California song "You can check out anytime but you can never leave"! :-D
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »27.01.05 - 17:31
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 65 from 2003/2/10
    From: France (Agen 47)
    Hum got mine in August 2002... wow it's been a long time now :-p.
    Morphos for ever !!

    [edit]oups I checked again and noticed it was in 2002 :-p, the 10th of
    August 2002 to be more precise ;-)[/edit]

    [ Edited by LorD on 2005/1/28 7:59 ]
    N'cha, LorD
  • »27.01.05 - 18:18
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1068 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    I have my Peg since march/april 2003 and since june or julie last year i have a Peg2 G4, and i am very satisfied with my Peg2 now! I bought my Peg because i knew that it´s the better Amiga, and i was so tird to wait for OS4. And now i am waiting for the next release of MOS. On the last big Amiga Show in Aachen/Germany in 2002 i was convinced after 5 minute Use the speed, look & feel all like my A1200PPC but with 1000% more Horsepower :-D
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »27.01.05 - 20:07
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 140 from 2003/2/18
    From: Gate to the World
    I'm MorphOS user since September 2002! It was a smooth transition to the Pegasos. After just a few months of MorphOS fixes it was replacing my Amiga 4000 and AmigaOS 3.9 completely.

    I never experienced all the problems others had with their Articia (not before or after my Peg was upgraded with April1), seems like I was one lucky guy :-)

    Upgraded to Pegasos 2 in January 2004 and can't say i regret it :-D
  • »27.01.05 - 20:53
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...

    How about a few more posts like this?!

    Thanks to Fabian 'Logain' Zaengel and Raquel & Bill I got the privilege to become one of the first betatesters, so I'm a Pegasos owner already since August 20, 2002.

    One thing has led to the next, and the "just" plain user Senex became more and more actively involved - which I've enjoyed and therefore am very grateful to these three as well as to further people I got to know later on.

    Genesi's french difficulties brought that direct route to an end also for me, but on the other hand at that point already a basis had been in place to move on along other pathways which evolved from there.

    Thus I'm quite certain that without the opportunity to become a Betatester I, today I'd probably not be an Amiga user anymore - time will tell if this is actually a good thing for me or not... :-D

    Needless to say that once the Pegasos II came out, I did also buy one from the first commercial production run. The configuration of my Pegasoi is listed at Pegasos World. (A pity, by the way, that not more users entered themselves into that database.)

    And what has become from my Pegasos I/G3-600 will be published at in the next days. :-)
  • »27.01.05 - 20:57
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