Could you please explain that behaviour briefly, if possible? I'm curious about it.
Just make up a little new document with formatting, shapes and everything in Word... then save to a format that does not support this fluff, e.g. plain text. You get a warning but that's it. The document name is changed to .txt and the document is marked as unmodified. Click on close (perhaps accidently) and everything non-text is gone without warning. IMHO a death sin - the content on screen does not in any way reflect the content of the file even though the document title claims so and it is marked as "unmodified" (file content and screen display should match then IMHO).
Other programs, e.g. Photoshop behave differently (and in my opinion correctly) here. If you save in Photoshop to a file format that doesn't support some of the features you used, then the document is still dirty after save and the file name doesn't change either.
I've lost some stuff while fiddling with our save, as I tried to press a toolbar button but accidently hit the close button which closed the document and gone was everything. In our software it's even worse than in Office, since there's good chance not even the "main" information of the document will remain (more than in Word, in our program this is rather an "export of a ***part*** of the document in ***greatly reduced quality***"). So you've got a good chance of ending up with a fraction of your data in bad quality.
If people feel pissed because of this request being off-topic, please remember, this whole thread is!
I think there's way too few off-topics here. I spend much more time on a German Mac forum than here, not for the fact that the Mac would be more interesting but rather because there's talk about God and the world and the most obscure off-topics I've ever seen