A pleasant surprise!
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi everybody,

    Just came home from a very long working day (11 hours is long for me :-)), and I got a package from Computer City (our dealer in Holland):

    a multi hispeed USB2.0 port PCI card!

    It has 4 USB ports and a 5th "internal"

    I opened my Peg-case.
    Inserted it in free PCI-slot.
    Closed the case.
    Connected my HPDeskjet920C on 1 port.
    Started my Peg.
    Looked at Settings->System Settings->USB

    And it works too :-D

    I now remember about this gift from Genesi/Computer City (it was mentioned a while ago)

    Thank you very much Computer City/Genesi! :-D
    (and for the easter egg choclates)


  • »07.04.04 - 20:45
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 407 from 2003/10/12
    I got it toooo!
    I want to thank computercity.nl and specially to Ron for this
    present!!!! :-D
    And thank you for the invitation to the amiga party which takes place
    in the Netherlands.

    Thanks for the chocolate egg's and Happy Easter by the way to the
    whole community !!

    ..there will be only one left.
  • »07.04.04 - 20:57
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    Got one too :-D

    Thanks Computercity!

  • »07.04.04 - 21:04
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon
    yep go ahead and help them limit free speech, keep on buying hardware from people that sue message boards, help destroy the internet as we know it!
  • »07.04.04 - 22:34
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  • JKD
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 456 from 2003/4/4
    From: South of heaven
    Hey, leave the poor guys alone, after all they all bought Pegasos *before* this current departure from sanity.

    They got a free gift...I guess in principle they could send it back as a form of protest? (Wouldn't that just be dumb tho?)

    Still waiting on my Peg2...and still hoping that sense prevails and an apology is forthcoming.

    After all it's Microsoft's job to f**k up the internet and it's standards...maybe something in the name Bill! Hmmm.... ;-)

  • »07.04.04 - 23:16
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Nice for Compucity to do this!

    Great job Ron!

    Congrats to all on their gift.

    The question is does USB 2.0 devices work at full speed with Arak Attack?

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »08.04.04 - 01:04
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon

    Still waiting on my Peg2...and still hoping that sense prevails and an apology is forthcoming.

    so do I .. I really want one... that and i'm putting allot more than getting or not getting a new toy at stake here.

    What really bugs me is that people seem pretty out to supress any news on the matter. Which is what made me worry about it. Its never good when things go silent. You never hear the one that kills you.
  • »08.04.04 - 02:26
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 2307 from 2003/2/24

    What news ?

    All we know is that CK has hinted some problems with a former employer, and hasn't done anything to intervine in the 700 posts (and counting) slack-fest.

    We don't know, what the exact problem is, we don't know what led to it, heck we pretty much don't know anything at all.

    Even Amiga-News.de (still the best and most neutral of all news sites) has sofar refused to post anything about it, due to lack of details (which is something completly different than cencorship).

    So stop polutting threads with this garbage, we ALL knows it exist, and we all know where to read about it (only to be told nothing concrete).
  • »08.04.04 - 04:22
  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...

    They got a free gift...I guess in principle they could send it back as a form of protest? (Wouldn't that just be dumb tho?)

    This would be especially dumb since Genesi isn't involved, it's a Computer City present only. :-)
  • »08.04.04 - 05:09
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon

    e ALL knows it exist, and we all know where to read about it

    yes, and thats exactly why you don't buy one until you know whats going on.

    Look, if it turns out to be ok, you can just go buy one when this is all cleared up. But once these people have your money its too ####ing late.
  • »08.04.04 - 06:35
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Polyhead,

    It was a free gift dear friend.
    Although I didn't mention the word free in my post, I think the word gift should be a clear indication that I didn't buy it :-)

    And I also didn't know Genesi were making USB ports as well??!! :-D:-D

    You know Polyhead, I don't mind you want to make a statement about the present situation, but please, think before you write something down :-)


  • »08.04.04 - 06:51
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon
    and i say you shoudl send it back and refuse to have one until this blows over. Right now thats how it is for me, you couldn't even give me one. Jesus i mailed a birthday card from my mom back becuase it was american greatings. I'm still pissed off over the way peny arcade got treated by them. I'm just as pissed off at peny arcade for not standing up for their rights too, I'll certianly never buy something with either logo on it thats for sure.
  • »08.04.04 - 07:47
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Polyhead,

    Do you own an Intel-pc or a Mac with Bill Gates software running on it? (a Linux distro running Bill Gates software is the same!!)

    If none of these, then you're really strong in your believes :-)



    ps: this was the last comment from me about this :-)
  • »08.04.04 - 08:20
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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Well, first off, let me say congradulations to Ron's customers--awesome gift you all got. Also, way to go Ron, you sure made some peoples' day!

    Now, for polyhead... ;-) Oh yeah, you know you've got this coming! [inserts drumroll]

    I present for you, lessons in protesting! Before you go and get angry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret--protesting isn't running around fussing at everyone. Nope, not at all. A protest has to have several important things, a goal, a plan, and work. Without these things, any protest is doomed.

    Before I go any further, I'm telling you right now that a well executed protest against Genesi will be likely to hurt ME, and I happen to like being able to eat. It will hurt Matt, and probably some other friends of yours too. However, I can't just watch you flounder around without a purpose other than "hurt genesi until they do whatever it is that may be right."

    First, you need a goal. It doesn't matter what you protest, greeting cards, Genesi, or some shoe company that's using sweat-shops in the orient. You have to know what is wrong, and what will suffice as repairs or repiration. If you cannot determine what it is that makes everything ducky again, you aren't getting anywhere. Figure out what your goal is, whether it's some kind of public apology, a change in position, or some exchange of money between two parties. Whatever it is, you cannot win if you don't have a condition of victory.

    Next, you need to develop a plan to carry a protest from "grr this makes me mad" to the previously outlined victory. This plan will have to take into account the target audience to. You have to figure out what works best where. A campaign to stop people from buying a Pegasos isn't going to work at MorphZone, that's like sending a letter to everyone whos just bought a Ford telling them to not buy one. The method of protest has to match the audience you're aiming for and the conditions of the victory. In some cases those silly petitions are more effective than a "don't buy" policy. There are a number of different ways of protesting, but you have to match the correct way with the correct group based on the goal of the protest.

    This all equates to huge amounts of work. It isn't easy. And, believe it or not, the amount of work can be inversly proportional to the size of the company--depending on the goals. If it's a petition, you need advertising, weblinks, someone going to shows collecting signitures. If it's a consumer based protest, you have to go to the folks who haven't purchased yet, and you have to have compelling evidence, facts, figures, and reasons. Protesting something is just plain work.

    Don't just spin your wheels, if you want to protest--please do it correctly. Take the time to determine what the problem is, how it should be corrected, get a plan, and prepare to work your butt off. I apologize to everyone for the rant, yet this needed to be said.

    Again, I don't condone a protest, and my stomach can't afford one. I said it in the other thread about this, "I don't know all the facts." To be honest, I don't even know a quarter of them. With all of this said, can this thread please go back to what it was meant for, thanking ComputerCity for the free gifts bestowed upon their customers?

    Thanks you,

    MorphOS portal? www.MorphZone.org
  • »08.04.04 - 08:21
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Well Targhan,

    Now I know why I don't protest!
    It's too difficult and time consuming :-D

    And now back to the main topic:

    Again, thank you Ron!!!!! :-D :-D


  • »08.04.04 - 08:38
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 49 from 2003/3/7
    From: Rotterdam, The...
    @all Computer City Pegasos2 customers:
    Packages to each of you have been sent, it just takes a little bit longer to reach customers outside Holland, don't worry.

    You want people to protest against Genesi by sending back a gift that they got from Computer City? Why?

    Happy easter!
  • »08.04.04 - 08:53
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon
    sorry but your way of protesting has failed over and over and over. So i'm going to take a lesson from third wolrd contries, where a large group of peopel gather and riot. Better than a protest any day of the week.

    Anarchy all the way.

    And Kemps words is as good as anyone elses out here. Were all ####ing lunatics. You would have to be to actually WANT to be a part of all of this. So there is most certainly enough information available to act on. Even if that information is just someone elses words, in the end its always somebody's word against anothers anyway.
  • »08.04.04 - 09:02
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 653 from 2003/2/24
    From: Hungary

    Practically every single person is in disagreement with what has happened. Isn't that enough?

    When Fleecy Moss threatened amiga.org I didn't throw my Amiga out of the window. There are mistakes, political suicides, wrong decisions, whatever you can imagine - but I've purchased my Pegasos neither on any political nor any ideological basis.

    And I do refuse to punish the hard working people behind this solution just for some ideological crap.

    It's a sorry state of affairs regarding C. Kemp, and as I expressed I'd like to have it peacefully resolved, if possible - despite that we have insufficient information. It's all bad PR enough for the Pegasos IMO, but it was real lame to bring it up in this thread which has almost nothing to do with Genesi, which makes your threats and protest not an inch better than the threat which aimed Ann (or CKemp, we don't know).

    If you want, start a protesting thread, but don't pollute if I may ask.
  • »08.04.04 - 09:51
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2003/7/30
    From: Portland Oregon

    And I do refuse to punish the hard working people behind this solution just for some ideological crap.

    Which is why i encourage developers to vouluntarily stopworking on it. Its the sort of thing where i put all my tools on the table and refuse to pick them back up till the matter is settled.


    but it was real lame to bring it up in this thread which has almost nothing to do with Genesi,

    well whcih is more lame, the fact i put it in this thread, of the fact i have to do it that way to get it on the front page.
  • »08.04.04 - 12:16
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