Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 607 from 2007/7/29
I play aroiund with AmiNetRadio. I have from MorphOS-Storage version 4.696.
I have a directory with single files and drawers inside. The drawers have again songs or sub drawers. Is it possible to load the whole directory strcture at once to AmiNetRadio? When I drag and drop the main drawer on the playlist window it loads only the single files on the top level. Then I have to select all directories in Ambient and drag them over to add them but then ANR crashes with many log lines.
After that it does not start anymore, only the title flashes red and I have to reboot the wohle computer.
Adding all directories in small portions is awkward especially when a group drawer has sub drawers for every album. IS there another way? In the Add Files requester it also selects the files only when I say "all".
When I play only the few files that it added safely and switch the UI in the settings to
I have the GharArg.gui activated. When I want to open the playlist window it does not do that. Only in the green mode (which I find difficult to read) and in the MUI settings the playlist editor opens. But the MUI settings have old grey buttons which do not match system settings. Why is the GUI responsible for if the playlist opens or not?
And it also crashes for example when I change the skin settings.
Also when I double click a song in the playlist then it plays a completely different one in a much different folder. THat is really weird. The doucle clicked song stays selected so I can see that I did not select anything wrong. And when I have the green GUI on the main window is fully white besides the buttons so I cannot see the title of the song it plays. It gets even more funny: When I double click the same song list entry again it plays another song than before
And it never updates playcount, Duration, Size or any other of the columns. They are always zero. Only Date Added is filled.
I lilke the program but it has many weird bugs. Is there anything I can improve?
Also the link to the plugins on the hompeage does not work:
[ Edited by connor 25.03.2025 - 10:22 ]