New MorphOS 3.19 Video Series - Learn Together As I Explore
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1
    I started a new video series showing off MorphOS 3.19 as I learn it.

    I find learning together can be fun so hope a few others enjoy these new videos I will be making.

    Maybe a few more AmigaOne X5K owners will bite the bullet and get a license as well as some G4/G5 owners as well.

  • »24.03.25 - 22:08
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 232 from 2019/10/15
    I love your energy! Keep it up!
  • »25.03.25 - 06:20
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12281 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany

    Regarding the names of some MorphOS components (apart from the obvious Reggae), the following links might give a clue as to their origin:
    They may or may not be named after the kind of music listened to while creating them ;-)

    Regarding USB: USB2 is maximum, so no USB3 support.

    Regarding MUI: That's not simply MorphOS parlance for 'GUI', but a specific piece of software, namely the Magic User Interface. It stems from old m68k AmigaOS times and also exists in versions 4 and 5 for OS4 as a reimplementation.

    Regarding "MUI Settings for Ambient" (1) vs. "MUI Preferences" (2): Ambient is just one of many MorphOS software programs that use MUI. So (1) is for defining the look of the Ambient desktop specifically, while (2) is for globally defining the look of MUI-based software. Each and every MUI-based software can have its own specific MUI settings, but uses the global preferences if no specific settings have been defined.

    Regarding pricing: It's more like 85 USD at the current rate.
  • »25.03.25 - 09:28
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 79 from 2014/1/20

    Can you add subtitles in other languages to your videos? YouTube/Google offers a special service for this:

    [ Editiert durch ThorstenS 25.03.2025 - 12:18 ]
  • »25.03.25 - 11:18
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1
    Thanks for the messages everyone.
    I will do my best to remember these as I make more videos.
  • »25.03.25 - 13:16
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1

    ThorstenS wrote:

    Can you add subtitles in other languages to your videos? YouTube/Google offers a special service for this:

    [ Editiert durch ThorstenS 25.03.2025 - 12:18 ]

    Hi ThorstenS, thanks for the request.

    The problem is this feature is not automatic for all available languages and you have to manially add one by one editing the video to then add the new subtitles for the language you want to add.

    If there are enough requests for a specific language I can try to remember to do it for some videos but working full time and having my own things I need to get done, just getting a video made and uploaded takes a lot of my time, haha.

    I am happy to try to add your language to this last video if you tell me what it is. If the automatic feature does it easily, I will try that for you.

  • »25.03.25 - 13:19
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 79 from 2014/1/20
    Many thanks for your efforts!

    Perhaps you could do a survey on which languages are most common.

    Since you addressed me directly, I would be grateful for - German - subtitles. :-)
  • »25.03.25 - 13:31
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1
    ThorstenS, could you please revisit the video and make sure your CC is on and see if you see subtitles and in German.

    I followed some tips on how to do it. If it works, great! If not, at least I tried. haha



    ThorstenS wrote:
    Many thanks for your efforts!

    Perhaps you could do a survey on which languages are most common.

    Since you addressed me directly, I would be grateful for - German - subtitles. :-)
  • »25.03.25 - 16:01
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 79 from 2014/1/20
    Great, it works well!
    Everything is very easy for me to understand.

    See picture:

    [ Editiert durch ThorstenS 25.03.2025 - 17:54 ]
  • »25.03.25 - 16:53
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1
    Awesome, glad it worked.

    Hopefully the Auto AI Translator is somewhat accurate and not telling you things like Your Momma Jokes, etc... hahaha

    Thanks for letting me know.



    ThorstenS wrote:
    Great, it works well!
    Everything is very easy for me to understand.

    See picture:

    [ Editiert durch ThorstenS 25.03.2025 - 17:54 ]
  • »25.03.25 - 17:22
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1
    I will keep these all in 1 thread.

    Here is Video #2 of the series.

    I hope you enjoy and brings some smiles at the same time.

    Video #2 of my new Series...

    Learn MorphOS 3.19 with me, a Newbie of MorphOS.

    See it from a fresh set of eyes how some of us Newbs may see things differently

    Now we get into some Nitty Griity, a tad less reading and a little more doing and exploration.

    Making my Ambient more to my liking and learning to download too with some Faux Pas along the way.

    [ Edited by amigasociety 25.03.2025 - 14:28 ]
  • »25.03.25 - 22:24
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 724 from 2004/2/10
    Hey TJ,

    Easy Install sorta replaced Grunch, so you may want to install that one. Chris Edwards created a video of easy install, it is a real nice program.

    I will send you some screen savers you may like.

    Love the 2nd video!

    Here is Chris' video, he did after all say that 'he had such things to show you', in the comments of your last morphos video so here you go:

    3.18 and Easy Install


    amigasociety wrote:
    I will keep these all in 1 thread.

    Here is Video #2 of the series.

    I hope you enjoy and brings some smiles at the same time.

    Video #2 of my new Series...

    Learn MorphOS 3.19 with me, a Newbie of MorphOS.

    See it from a fresh set of eyes how some of us Newbs may see things differently

    Now we get into some Nitty Griity, a tad less reading and a little more doing and exploration.

    Making my Ambient more to my liking and learning to download too with some Faux Pas along the way.

    [ Edited by matt3 25.03.2025 - 18:39 ]
  • »25.03.25 - 23:31
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2023/12/1
    Cool, yeh as I been reading up on Grunch I see it is not really working well, and figured it was not something I would use now.

    I will explore Easy Install, thanks.

    I think I even saw that video of his but will watch again.



    matt3 wrote:
    Hey TJ,

    Easy Install sorta replaced Grunch, so you may want to install that one. Chris Edwards created a video of easy install, it is a real nice program.

    I will send you some screen savers you may like.

    Love the 2nd video!

    Here is Chris' video, he did after all say that 'he had such things to show you', in the comments of your last morphos video so here you go:

    3.18 and Easy Install


    amigasociety wrote:
    I will keep these all in 1 thread.

    Here is Video #2 of the series.

    I hope you enjoy and brings some smiles at the same time.

    Video #2 of my new Series...

    Learn MorphOS 3.19 with me, a Newbie of MorphOS.

    See it from a fresh set of eyes how some of us Newbs may see things differently

    Now we get into some Nitty Griity, a tad less reading and a little more doing and exploration.

    Making my Ambient more to my liking and learning to download too with some Faux Pas along the way.

  • »25.03.25 - 23:42
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