One thing I need to have for work is viewing of YouTube videos, and although I don't expect 1080p, I do need something that plays, 720p would be fine, and at least the audio and video work in tune with each other.
As a new MorphOS user, AmigaOne X5K and running the newest 3.19, what options do I have that would allow the above.
A visit to YouTube using Wayfarer 9 did not work for me and although I know there are some settings one can tweak, I will try those but odds seem against me they will work much at all unless others here use an X5K and can offer some advice.
On my AmigaOS 4.1 side I use Video Vortex and it works great, good quality, easy search for a video, and good playback as well. No lost video and audio like I just experienced trying to visit via a web browser.
I have a ATI 1950 that I boot and run MorphOS on. On my AmigaOne side I use the RX580 and it performs well with Video Vortex and Emotion for playback.
Any options for me?
This is my 1st issue I need to solve if I am to use MorphOS more often now that I have a license for it.