Gigabit Ethernet Bankwidth
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/1/20
    From: The Netherlands
    I'm playing with the idea to buy a pegasos series II mainboard along with a G4 processor. At home I have a G3 ibook and I'd like to be able to Mac just a tad bit faster then it can. Nu I know you can install linux and then MOL on it, maybe someday Morphos and MOL.

    Does anyone know if this is at least quite a bit faster then my iBook? The pegasos can be easily extended to fit much more memory then the 128 in my ibook. I'm not sure how much of the G4 speed will be lost due to overhead of running a bare linux.

    I'm also curious if the gigabit ethernet interface on the mainboard is limited to the speed of the PCI bus. PCI is only capable of 16 MB anyway which I think the network card would fill up on its own already. And there is off course quite a bit more on the bus then that alone. (such as the HD )

    Has anyone seen a picture of the Mobo architecture, such as what is linked to where?
    What's that red light over there?
    -- Final words
  • »20.01.04 - 11:41
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 370 from 2003/3/28
    If you only have 128MB in the iBook it'll be running very slow, OS X likes RAM and LOTs of it.

    I don't know how god MOL is with OS X but on OS 9 it was faster than the equivalent Macs.
    Check how OS X runs, The display used to be very slow but that may have improved.

    The Gigabit Ethernet is not on the PCI bus so it's not limited by it, GE is inside the NorthBridge.

    PCI can do 133MB /Second, rather more than 16!
  • »20.01.04 - 12:52
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/1/20
    From: The Netherlands
    I could be wrong but gigabit ethernet is 1000 Megabit per second.

    PCI like on the pegasos (?) is 32 bit running on a frequency of 33 mhz which equaly 133 Megabit per second. Really. Or am I wrong? This would seriously limit the ethernet card.

    Off course, I'm not sure how much speed it has if its not connected to the PCI bus. Yes?
    What's that red light over there?
    -- Final words
  • »20.01.04 - 12:59
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/12
    From: Kielce/Krakow,...
    Yes, it's not connected to PCI, so it should be able to reach 1GB speed.
  • »20.01.04 - 13:24
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 248 from 2003/4/4
    From: MONTREAL, Quebec
    Ok, I'm not gonna answer you about the PCI stuff (coz I'm not the expert and you don't seem to be neither!), but you should know a thing:

    1 byte = 8 bit

    So 133 MB = 1064 Mbit

    A Gigabit Ethernet = 1000 bit = 125 MB

    And again, as minator said, the gigabit ethernet is not connected to the PCI bus.

  • »20.01.04 - 13:27
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 2367 from 2003/2/24

    Jaapjan wrote:

    PCI like on the pegasos (?) is 32 bit running on a frequency of 33 mhz which equaly 133 Megabit per second.

    So 32*33 gives 133 ?
    Some odd math skill you got there :-P

    32Bit = 4 Byte
    4Byte * 33,000,000Hz = 132,000,000 Bytes/s ~ 130MB/s.
  • »20.01.04 - 13:33
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/1/20
    From: The Netherlands
    Indeed, but if you're not going to answer...why do so?

    Anyway. The PCI bus isn't 133 MByte per second...but 133 MBit per second.

    Erf. Never mind.

    Are the harddrive components also wired through the PCI bus or...and what's their bandwidth then?
    What's that red light over there?
    -- Final words
  • »20.01.04 - 13:34
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/1/20
    From: The Netherlands
    So 32*33 gives 133 ?
    Some odd math skill you got there

    32Bit = 4 Byte
    4Byte * 33,000,000Hz = 132,000,000 Bytes/s ~ 130MB/s.

    Point taken :-P
    What's that red light over there?
    -- Final words
  • »20.01.04 - 13:35
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 105 from 2003/2/10
    From: Lightning capi...
    The Hard Drives are based off of the VIA southbridge, so yes they're going over PCI.
    Nate Downes
    Genesi SARL
  • »20.01.04 - 14:02
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 142 from 2003/12/30
    From: Spain!
    By the way Jaapjan, cool avatar! :-P
    Config: PegasosII G4/1000, 256MB DDR400, VooDoo 3000 AGP
  • »20.01.04 - 14:03
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/1/20
    From: The Netherlands
    Thank you, I try to be modest ;-)

    So, to sum it all up, the only thing going over the PCI bus to have a networked computer with sound and video is the soundcard and the ide channels.

    AGP has its own bus...yes?
    Ethernet goes another route...
    Memory has its own bus....

    So, I noticed the G4 cpu board...but I remember reading something about elastic <name> that is used with G4's. Does this give a performance impact in a small or big way?
    What's that red light over there?
    -- Final words
  • »20.01.04 - 14:08
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 370 from 2003/3/28

    Anyway. The PCI bus isn't 133 MByte per second...but 133 MBit per second.

    Actually we're all wrong, it works out at around 125 MegaBytes per second for the maximum theoritical bandwidth.


    So, I noticed the G4 cpu board...but I remember reading something about elastic <name> that is used with G4's.

    That'll be IBMs Elastic bus, but it's only on the PPC970 (aka G5).


    Does this give a performance impact in a small or big way?

    Yes, increases CPU-NorthBridge bandwidth by several times. Unfortunately you'll have to wait for Pegasos 3 for that :-/
  • »20.01.04 - 14:30
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 105 from 2003/2/10
    From: Lightning capi...
    The G4's bus is called MPX, actually. Elastic is for the G5 CPU, not the G4.

    AGP is on its own bus, correct

    So yes, the only things going over PCI are the low-end peripherals, like serial, USB, hard drives, soundcard, firewire, etc.
    Nate Downes
    Genesi SARL
  • »20.01.04 - 14:37
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/1/20
    From: The Netherlands

    Yes, increases CPU-NorthBridge bandwidth by several times. Unfortunately you'll have to wait for Pegasos 3 for that

    I thought it wasn't sure at all if the pegasos would come with the G5?
    What's that red light over there?
    -- Final words
  • »20.01.04 - 14:39
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 154 from 2003/4/22
    Hi !

    The "old" Pegasos I was using IBM G3 750Cxe 600 Mhz.

    The Actual Pegasos II caas use either G3 600 (the same than with Peg I but with a faster FSB) + Motorola G4 MPC7447 1Ghz.

    Maybe a Peg III using 970 will appear on day, but not tomorow, even the day after.
    You known the Peg II has just been released !

    By the way, it may be possible to use faster G3 (750FX ??) or G4 (MPC7447 1.33 (???) ) on the Peg II.

    PS: Minator, how are you ??

    MorphOS Rulez !
  • »20.01.04 - 15:52
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