Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 882 from 2003/3/4
From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...
Andreas_Wolf wrote:
>> So I guess it was him who he gave the 2006 MUI4 source code to them
> Not to my knowledge.
What's your knowledge based on? Hearsay or first-hand info directly from Stuntz?
When Piru first discovered what they were doing, he contacted Stuntzi directly. Apparently, he [Stuntzi] was surprised to hear about it. I wasn't told if he was angry or not, but he responded quickly.
> MUI4 on OS4 seems entirely reverse-engineered
Seems or is?
If you want an authoritative answer to that, you should ask its developers. They won't tell you of course; they'd rather hide behind a cloud of mistruths and misunderstandings to avoid looking like the villains. Especially after 15 years of calling MorphOS a "pirate OS".
> I haven't heard anything about Stuntzi handing out code.
Me neither, but that's the only reasonable explanation as to how they could have ended up with 2006 MUI4 source code, which is what had been established as alleged fact in the old "MUI4 for OS4?" thread here on MorphZone.
Not really the *only* reasonable explanation, and indeed far down in the list of reasonable explanations. Occam's Razor would assume someone had been naughty and leaked the source, as several developers did work on OS4 and MorphOS alike. If Stuntzi gave them the source, wouldn't he have given something a bit more up to date? Wouldn't he have made sure to add the shareware registration in that source, or at least stipulated that it should have one?
> Stuntzi only became aware some weeks after they released their hack, having had no idea
> of it beforehand.
Is that first-hand info?
No, but it is directly second hand, while the first hand was still warm.
> it was believed, MUI was buggy crap
As far as I remember, the main argument against MUI (true or not) was that it was slow, not buggy.
Slow, buggy, and a memory hog. Quite ironic really, given the nature of the GUIs people used to get away from it (BGUI, Wizard, ReAction, etc).
Quote:> How do you port these without rewriting them?
How do you port something and rewrite it at the same time?

When all you get is old source and you want to make it compile with apps meant for a version eight years newer, that would be exactly what you have to do.