Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 881 from 2003/3/4
From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...
Quote:redrumloa wrote:
Andreas_Wolf wrote:
> IP theft
Which IP in particular?
Source code to MUI4,
autodocs and
version number not enough for you?
Per MorphOS Team members, the actual owners of MUI, "certain people" were given access to MUI3.9 sources. Those "certain people" responded to this kind gesture by stealing MUI4.0 code they were not authorized to have. These people then go on to pretend they are the rightful owner, expanding their bastardized fork making it incompatible, but as a poke in the eyes give it the same name and version number as the real product.
This is black and white, no grey area. Ownership if MUI IP is with the MorphOS Team, no one else. The MorphOS team states their version is not authorized, therefore it is not authorized.
At one point Windows NT was released on PPC. Let's imagine for a moment the team who ported NT were an outsourced group, and they inadvertently received access to WinXP sources while no longer involved with Microsoft. If this group took XP source, bastardized it into an incompatible product but started distributing it as Windows 10, wouldn't that be IP theft?
...and going to the trouble to update the MUI5 version number so everyone
knows it's ideologically-driven.
They never got over their butthurt that MorphOS recreated the AmigaOS API. They've always believed in Haynie's bullshit that it was based on stolen source. So, they steal the source for MorphOS's UI and do the same back. But this time, they're going to 'purify' it by returning it to AmigaOS.
Childish, nasty, puerile. Exactly what you'd expect from a bunch of ass-burgers syndromers.