Thanks, I will definitely play more around. I know it should work. I like to use IMAP and YAM does not support it so I thought I had more chance with SimpleMail. I understand that POP + "don't delete" = "poor man's IMAP", will play more with both... It's just that neither of them "just worked", at least not for me.
> Important: All the things you had to do to achieve this are considered FUN by this community. Do you agree?
So you speak for the whole community?
I perfectly understand what you mean though. Seriously, I see three aspects to this.
The first aspect is pragmatical. If there is any hope to achieve commercial sustainability of MorphOS on the long run, you either have to increase the price of the license or increase the headcount in the community. And many people who are potential users of MorphOS would have to come from other OSes and they would be most likely frustrated by all this tweaking that needs to be done to achieve some simple and de-facto expected tasks in the present state.
The second aspect is change of context of personal computing. 20 years ago it would not be fun to boot your Amiga from a cassette tape or not to have an Ed command in Amiga DOS for example. Those things were took for granted. Well, guess what, these days web-browsing, printing, emailing, chatting... are things which 99% of computer users take for granted. And if those are hard to setup and, at the same time, you need to sell the OS to them, you don't stand much of a chance.
The third aspect is personal. 20 years ago I would consider all this VERY fun. But now, I just want stuff to work. I don't want to go back in time. Also, I don't want to be a developer and troubleshooter in my spare time. I want to have fun with other things in my life and on my computer
If I did not have a demanding full-time job maybe I would jump on the "MorphOS tweaking fun" bandwagon but, for now, and here, I am just a whiner
It sounds funny but I am pretty sure "I" and "me" in previous sentences apply to many potential users of MorphOS. The tweakers will always find a way to have fun anyways -- heck I knew people who tweaked mainframes and had hilarious fun!
> So, you are putting MorphOS against a commercial and recent operating system! And it stands!
> WOW! This is a task no other Amiga operating system has been able to dream about!
Of course I do, what is the other measurement? Shoot for the moon, don't strive for mediocracy. I definitely won't compare it to the old Amiga since I don't even remember all the features anymore and, honestly, nobody should even care anymore...