Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2227 from 2003/4/10
From: France
Hello all,
To complete
MorphOS Storage, WArMup association need more snapshots (up to six by software).
WArMup association launch a small contest: the person send me the most of snapshots to complete MorphOS-Storage to
papiosaur2 hotmail.fr before 1st october 2018 win a Powerbook 17" registered
You can write a small signature to see it's your snapshot
All snapshots received can be placed in MorphOS-Storage.
After each email received, I will make a list of participants and the numbers of snapshots uploaded to the site.
I will complete MorphOS-Storage after each mail received...
Thanks for your participation
Let's go!
[ Edité par Papiosaur 30.08.2018 - 18:49 ]