I once started to create a library page about MorphOS native filesystems, but I haven't felt that it'd be complete and correct enough to be released publically. But as I seem to be in the dead end myself, I would need some help with it... or at least I'll give it to public as rough guidelines at least :)
Amigaharry2 wrote: You've forgot ENVOY-Filesystem at NET-filesystems......
Is there a MorphOS native version of it somewhere? I decided to start with native software only... adding all 68k options would make too much work for now :)
Well... I meant the location is where they work from or where they can be found when you start looking for one... but OK, I changed the generic L: to more exact MOSSYS:L, but maybe I won't put L: for 3rd party, because they aren't found there before user himself downloads and installs them :)