• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 274 from 2004/2/20
    From: Oslo, Norway
    These LimePC gadgets looks cool! Now Genesi knows what they need to do to get them used. By releasing MorphOS 2.0 tougether with MorphOS Team.

    Now its time for MorphOS 2.0 to come out! Now its the time to work tougether. Now its the time to show that a community is so important for something to survive. Now I would gladly pay 100,- euro for MorphOS just to see it for these devices etc.

    Once its out. I will be very happy. Thanks to MorphOS Team for the effort and I hope to see the os beeing released soon. I wish you good luck!


    [ Edited by MorphDelf on 2008/1/12 5:58 ]
  • »12.01.08 - 03:57
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