MorphOS Developer
Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
From: the land with ...
CISC, please be so kind and stop misquoting me all the time.
Where am I misquoting you (all quotes are pure cut'n'paste)?
I never implied 64bit writes only.
I never implied you implied anything.
- for many programs the memory throughput is very important.
But you fail to understand the difference between throughput and cache efficiency.
- A G4 has a higher memory throughput then a G3
Like I already said, no-one is disputing that.
- under MOS you can not fully utilize the throughput of a G4
Not true (only partially when you are talking about 64bit access to cached areas).
- The throughput difference Linux/MOS is true for 8,16,32 and 64 bit!
Wrong, and I already told you where to look, yet you're clearly not interested since you are still ignoring it after repeated mention.
When you copy chunks of memory or apply some operation to a chunks of memory (like a game, video player, or paint program often do on big chunks of memory) then you can achieve up to 700MB/sec on Linux but only halve on MOS.
Again your math is failing you, besides video players like MPlayer don't copy big chunks of memory, they operate on slices, so as to more likely be in cache by the time it's copied to gfxmem.
CISC, it would be nice if you would read more carefully before you post.
What I said is that the max throughput under MOS is less than under Linux. You claimed this not beeing true - But it simply is true !
It seems it's not
my reading skills that are failing...
CISC, please be so kind to simply state the fact as they are and stop claiming that
- copying memory
- copying images to the gfxcard
- comparing memory or comparing strings
- searching in an array.
- summing up an array
- applying an filter to an image
are rare cases, which are hardly ever used or needed in a program.
First off, only the first item applies to your benchmark, the second is
identical to MorphOS provided the image data is in cache by the time it's copied (which it is most of the time), and all the rest are totally irrelevant. Secondly I never claimed they were rare cases, I simply said 64bit copyloops were relatively insignificant (and highly localized) compared to the amount of 32bit writes in the life of an OS.
It would be nice if you could give examples so that everybody understand the settings but don't twist my words and don't misquote me just to defend the MOS settings.
I did give examples (you ignored them .. repeatedly), I didn't misquote you and I didn't defend the MorphOS settings. Next?
Gee, I say Linux and MacOS is better in something than MOS
(memoy througput in that case) and you react it would be sin to say this.
Gee, I was merely wondering wtf Mac has to do with MorphOS (hw vs sw), Macs have a far better bus than Pegs anyway, and I doubt you have any clue what cache-modes MacOS use...
Is MOS 1.5 using the same cache setting as MOS 1.4 ?