• Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/1/19

    I may be wrong, but it seems it's "on its way" to be native, in the meantime it may be running (personnally I tried just once and it crashed, but I didn't try much as I didn't really need it).

    Well I'm willing to wait for a while and use the gfx program in the superbundle in the meantime.


    As of my experience with it yes! Poseidon (which is the MorphOS USB Stack) handles pretty much everything. The only issue is if you have a device that needs a specific driver, you may encounter some problems and you're better ask around before buying anything that is USB and verify what protocol it uses (like Digital Cameras, some are PTP and other simply uses standard FAT32 ... and PTP is not completely supported yet).

    So, if I have for example my Midisport2x2 which probably isn't supported, is there documentation for the USB stack in the SDK to write my own driver? The other usb device I have is a Sandisk SDDR-09 smartmedia reader.


    Oh, and BTW, I only have a Pegasos I with a G3 @ 600 MHz, but if I were you, I'd get a Pegasos II with a G4 @ 1 GHz.

    Hmm fanless G3 looks nice too. I saw there's an upgrade possibility from Peg1 to Peg2G4; can I upgrade from a peg2 G3 to a G4 by buying an upgrade cpu card?
  • »20.01.04 - 12:13