• Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/1/19

    fxPaint and Personal Paint is on its way

    Is pp native or emulated? Not that I care too much, if it runs it runs :)


    Pretty useful so I've found

    lol :) that was a bit strange question from me :)
    I meant, is the MUI gui toolkit also programmable with assembler?


    3Dfx or ATI Radeon. 3Dfx has 3D support while the Radeon's 3D support is still under development

    I'll think I go for the 3dfx then

    Hmm.. some things come to mind... does AHI support multiple audio (or midi?) devices at once, or devices with multiple in or outputs? (like 2x line-out)

    I suppose USB support is complete?

    Does morphos support fat32? otherwise I'll transfer my win c: data through other means (ftp, or something)


    Hang around, we don't bite.

    I know :) Sometimes there are asses running around forums scaring newbies ;-)

    By the way I hope this quoting things works for me, I'm not really familiar with posting to webbased boards

  • »19.01.04 - 23:07