• Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/1/19
    Hi All!

    I started this topic because I have loads of questions as an morphos but also amiga outsider and am considering getting a pegasos. I'm sure this thread can be of much use to other people not familiar with morphos too.

    Without much blabla I'm giving a short intro of myself. When I first used computers I was into MS-DOS. It was simple, lowlevel and easy. Now there's windows, and it's stable as hell but it doesn't have that ultimate feeling that you're in controll of your computer (at least, this occurs to me). I know the mess that makes up Windows, and they (Microsoft) top it off with a fisher price GUI. Another OS I use is Linux (Slackware and Gentoo being my favourites). Linux is nice but has it's quirks too.

    It must be clear. I am looking for an alternative platform, that is fun, non-bloated (Windows XP alone uses over a GB of diskspace!), functional, low-level, and has huge possibilities to develop for and therefore grow userwise and platformwise. It seems the pegasos/morphos combo is perfect :)

    Now, here are my questions I'm wondering about.

    I've tried winUaE [emulator] with Amiga in a Box and found it great! I've tried a couple of apps and games from aminet.
    Is there any deluxepaint (which I know from ms-dos ;-) or similar program that works on morphos? I've run personal paint on winuae and found it quiet nice. I like 8-bit oldskool pixeling and know the keyboard shortcuts of dp so that's why I'm asking :)

    I see there are alot of apps that could be usefull in the superbundle. Is this superbundle already included with current Pegasos sales?

    Developing. I suspect the gcc family of compilers comes with the SDK? If not, is a c/c++ compiler included? What about an assembler?

    How usefull is morphos a platform for coding (and learning ppc-)asm?

    I saw a cool fractal program (I think it was called zone or fractal explorer), do I have to buy AmigaOS 3 to use it?

    Does there exist a sample editor that runs on morphos? I saw digibooster soon comes with a morphos version, so I'm allready happy there's a tracker :)

    What videocard is best supported on morphos? Can I use generic memory dimms on the pegasos 2? (being puzzled by the whole memory/chip/blabla issue with the pegasos 1)

    Should I, as an non-ex-amiga user buy a G3 board (which is more friendly priced) or go straight with the G4 board? (I think reading somewhere the OS "feels" fast anyway)

    Well, that's about it (phew! :)
    If I've more questions I'll ask if you don't mind, you seem like a friendly bunch of fellows ;)
    I hope though you can answer some of my questions.

  • »19.01.04 - 22:16