Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
From: Nella grande r...
And with this one, there are three...
...Three strange requests from you. Did you subscribe for it?
E sono tre...
Tre strane richieste da parte tua, Incomincio a domandarmi se hai l'abbonamento.
To be short about your requests:
Some time ago, there was a PCI card for all Intel based PC. It featured a SHRINKED Amiga and all mounted on a single expansion card.
Sure it used "cannibalized" original Amiga Chips and CPU (original chips needed), but seems to me it did never proved to be functioning neither it was seen on the market.
If it was a "real" product, sure it could be used even on AmigaONE and Pegasos using good drivers to pilote it.
But such a device it will be:
1) Expensive
2) Unuseful
3) It occupies precious PCI expansion slot.
4) Old Amiga emulation situation is actually is very stable and UAE programs work very well.
Again, UAE is also very stable. Maintaners and programmers of WINUAE are known to be perfectionists and they work very carefully.
5) On Pegasos you could run old Amiga software flawlessly if the programs are RTG.
6) Programs which emulates Amigachipset (or performs same capabilities) are being working on, and are already available such as Paula Emulator, and Geronto-library. Try to download and install them.
Sure it could be more more and very useful a UNIVERSAL graphic card (with EGA, VGA, XGA, HDTV, DVT-B, Archimedes, Atari, Amiga graphic modes, with Mpeg 1 to 4 and DVD coding, deconding, and with full 3D OpenGL, MESA, Direct-X), if only Jeri Ellsworth could work at it, as I described to you into the thread you launched about C=One.
P.S.: Non spammare troppo. Pensa bene agli argomenti che vuoi lanciare e informati prima in rete se puoi trovare da altre fonti le info che cerchi. atlrimenti qualcuno potrebbe lamentarsi.
Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!