• Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/2/26
    From: Saint-Petersbu...
    Hi, I have a big trouble with PegasosII.
    The problems are in HDDs.
    I connect Fujitsu2.5" as secondary (master) IDE via 40 pin cable,
    and Quantum3.5"(slave) and NEC DVD-RV(master) as primary IDE via 80 pin cable.

    The problem: both HDD have R/W errors some times, so I can't propertly install MorphOS
    on them.

    Both work fine on PC and Amiga, but on Peg2 cannot.
    Format under Ambiend with full check - is OK.
    But after that I have errors when install the OS, read/write files.
    When, sometimes, the OS was succesfuly installed - it can't bootup after day or two.

    I tried to change the maxtransfer without any changes.

    The system can bootup from HD only if it on secondary IDE,
    but from CD just if it primary master.

    I get my peg2G4 from the Vesalia at the and of May, it firmware have blue 'b'.

    The system bootup from cd without any problems.
    The Quantum 1.7Gb have initial seek every reset.

    What I do wrong???
    Autor of the BTR_8x8 - Video Capture program for MOS/QNX4/Windows.
  • »13.07.04 - 20:40
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